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By EverDave
Posts:  117
Joined:  Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:34 am
So, here goes...

I got this idea from a video I seen online. I want a way to keep the greenhouse warm during the colder
months and it seems that this might work. The principle is the same as a car. The car warms up from the sun
coming in through the windows. I have painted the entire inside black to absorb the most heat possible.


The base is lined with Pennies, which is suppose (according to the video) to absorb heat the best.
The pennies were attached with spray adhesive.
This along with the black surface should conduct quite a bit of heat.

I then covered it with a thin plastic film (The video used plexiglass which I don't have) to trap the heat
inside. Of course it is inside a plastic greenhouse too so double wammy I am hoping.

Also, cut into each side are these slots to help with air flow.

Feel free to ask any questions or comment or make reccommendations.
By EverDave
Posts:  117
Joined:  Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:34 am
Well, today the outside temp is 65 degrees in Indiana and it is currently 91 degrees in the greenhouse. It might just be working. Hope so :)
By EverDave
Posts:  117
Joined:  Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:34 am

This is a good sign. I presume that it is helping these temps. Only 75 here today.
By kaepora gaebora
Posts:  181
Joined:  Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:28 am
squirtoman wrote:if its cold where do they absorb the heat from?lol
There is no such thing as "cold". Only less heat or the absence of heat. Which means it will conduct heat on days that are cold just not as much heat as when its warmer.
By matadorjr
Posts:  50
Joined:  Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:33 pm
I have one like this, only a lot smaller, using pennies and foam board. But what i did yesturady kinda worked. My thermometer marked 35* F, inside my 4 tier greenhouse, with the curtain closed. So I read a post on a website that if you place a pan with hot water, it will slowly cool off but it will also release its warmed temp into the greenhouse. So i quickly tried it.

As soon as I place it on a shelf, in 10 mins, it went from 35F to 56F. I work night shift so I went to bed around 630am so I didn't get to see how long and up to what high temperature it reached, but at least I saw that the cold temperature went away for a while, saving my plants from a bad night. But during the day it reached 80*F when outside was 43*F. Try it.
By EverDave
Posts:  117
Joined:  Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:34 am
Yeah that does work. I have tried it as well. Greart idea for a cold night.
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