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List the plants you grow

Moderator: Matt

By KruperTrooper
Posts:  92
Joined:  Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:05 pm
Hrm, not that many plants right now, but im sure there will be more to come in the future.

VFT (Dionaea Muscipula)
-Death Cube VFT from Lowes
-Red Piranha
-Fine Tooth x Red

Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia)
Purple Pitcher (Purpurea)
By Adam
Posts:  2892
Joined:  Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:39 am
Nice start. All I had was 1 typical when I started...
By KruperTrooper
Posts:  92
Joined:  Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:05 pm
Figured I'd give this a bump.

After the winter "dormancy" i lost a really young Fine Tooth x Red that Steve had sent me.

I still have the typical, 1 Fine Tooth x Red, and 3 Red Piranha's left. I also cut a flower stalk off the Fine Tooth and I'm hoping that will grow into another plant.

Purple Pitcher might still be alive, not sure though.

I'm planning to buy some more plants from the VFT store once it gets a little warmer here. Might make a bog of VFT's and pitchers.
By Ronnie
Posts:  477
Joined:  Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:45 am
Very nice, good to see your list is growing
Goodluck on the bog project, let us know how it comes along, what are you planning :D?
By KruperTrooper
Posts:  92
Joined:  Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:05 pm
Bought a new Purple Pitcher from Lowes since I'm pretty sure the other one is dead. I was really surprised when I walked into to Lowes and saw how big the pitchers were. They were massive compared to the last one I bought from there. I'll post pictures when I get the time.
Uh. That's not where that goes.

So there appears to be traps growing out of an old[…]

bog garden

Under $20 for just the bog pot, or under $20 for t[…]

Please identify

I would say they're either spatulata or toka[…]

Oh yeah I am definitely going to clean that pot.[…]

Weird Venus Flytrap

Someone bought a DCXL from them. Here's the phot[…]

Hey, everyone!

Welcome :D :D :D

Starter Incredible Redhulk?

Hi Hi! Did anyone happen to take pictures of their[…]

Cape Alba

My only Cape “Alba” sundew that surviv[…]

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