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By alecStewart1
Posts:  217
Joined:  Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:45 pm
Reorganized some things and updated the list. Got a few fuukiran for my birthday this past weekend!

Starting to want more plants that can go outside, as the grow cabinet might as well be at capacity.
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By andynorth
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Rob Tetrazona wrote: Sun Nov 05, 2023 4:25 pm I bought a D. schizandra from Carlton Carnivores recently if still looking.
How do you order from them? It looks to me like he may be out until the 15th but I am not finding how to order. Not sure why they make it so difficult. Click an item, add to cart is how it should be.
By alecStewart1
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Got my first Choseiran/Sekkoku late last week!

Kristen from New World Orchids sent me a Dendrobium moniliforme 'Kouga' along with the Neofinetia falcata 'Hisui' 翡翠 I had bought! Cute little thing will yellow pseudobulbs and nice variegation in the leaves. For those interested, they're generally cheaper than named Neofinetia falcata plants and they're cool-warm growers.

I've definitely been bitten by the Asian orchid bug. :mrgreen:

I unfortunately lost the P. medusina I had. When it was getting cooler, I put my pings outside to let them know it's time for the non-carnivorous phase. However after one long and really windy day, I found that the little onion of the P. medusina had been blown out of it's pot and was roots up in my P. 'Aphrodite' pot, being further dried out in the sun. I think that what's killed it, as it's medium was staying bone dry and I can't really think of anything else that would've done it in. It's a shame, but luckily P. medusina isn't a hard species to come by.

I'm starting to move more towards plants I can put outside. My in-laws got me a big mobile planter for my birthday that I've put all my outside plants in and it's great. The fiance keeps suggesting we use it for plants that we can actually grow food in, though. :lol: The outside plants get enough sun, they're not sitting in the grass where pests can easily crawl into, and it's easy to wheel inside if it gets to below freezing this winter. It's a nice little thing to have as everyone is slowly starting to go dormant. Only draw back is that I have to move it on the days before we have the sprinklers run, as I don't know what the water from the sprinklers might do to them.
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By andynorth
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alecStewart1 wrote: Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:20 pm My in-laws got me a big mobile planter for my birthday that I've put all my outside plants in and it's great.
Mind my asking for a pic and, if known where they purchased? I have been looking for something to keep my plants in while outdoors in the summer so as not having to leave them on the ground. Thank you.
By alecStewart1
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Waiting for my order from California Carnivores to come (I bet they're swamped with orders from this past weekend and Monday), but added the following to my collection:

Pinguicula x “Mad Madam Mim”, an all purple ping. Would be very interesting to see if breeding this with my red P. gigantea to see if any of the color transfers into the offspring. Maybe even with P. 'Aphrodite' or other more long leaved pings.

S. flava v. atropurpurea, the deepest red flava variety I've wanted and interested in breeding with other Sarrs in the future (S. flava v. atropurpurea x S. alata v. nigropurpurea would be interesting, or even with a S. purpurea venosa).

Drosera x 'Dreamsicle', first temperate Drosera that I've wanted for a minute. Will probably do really well here so long as put a shade clothe over all of the outside plants during our dreadful summers.
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By andynorth
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alecStewart1 wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 5:23 pm I believe this is the exact planter. ... B084YMX7N2
Thank you. I believe I was looking at something similar, but this side of the pond. Is there anything or anywhere Amazon does not cover? Amazing what one person with a good objective can do. I hear they are wanting to do cars next. Boy, used car salesmen will go the way of the Dodo bird.
By alecStewart1
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Updated this list a bunch of times.

I think after I receive this variegated Den. parishii, I think I'll be done for awhile (well, we'll see) with collecting, or at least flat out buying.
Wedding coming up, honeymoon after that, and more plants just means more mouths to feed. :lol:
Plus, space is unfortunately not infinite where I'm living.

Over a year ago, I didn't think I'd be so interested in plants. Thought it would be yet another fleeting interest. But this forum and others is what's peaked my interest, and I, at least so far, somewhat seem to have a decent knack for growing plants.
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By andynorth
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Bluefire wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 12:22 am I have extra D. adelae if you want them. Mine are average size and have cream flowers with red flares in the center. I accidentally tore one of them out while maintaining them recently and now it's just on its own.
I don't want to hi jack this thread but do you by chance have any more of the D.Adelae you are willing to part with?
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By andynorth
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Bluefire wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:24 am They did a sudden death and there's not enough now for me to give away. I am sorry.
Hey, No problem. Mine did the same thing. I have it bagged up but does not look promising. That is why I was checking. Did yours go slowly are all at once?

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

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