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By andynorth
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DragonsEye wrote: Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:50 pm
Camden wrote: Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:46 pm That looks like dessert weather! You have both ends of the spectrum.
Really? What kind? Ice cream? Brownies? Cookies?….
I'm 61 and still get confused on which is which :D :D
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By andynorth
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Intheswamp wrote: Sun Oct 29, 2023 7:21 pm I’d have to move and that’s all there is about it! :mrgreen:
I left Montana for that specific reason. Well, that and finding a job in the 80's was not the easiest to do. Then I move to one of the wettest places around. South of Seattle.
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By Camden
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DragonsEye wrote: Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:50 pm
Camden wrote: Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:46 pm That looks like dessert weather! You have both ends of the spectrum.
Really? What kind? Ice cream? Brownies? Cookies?….
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By wcrosman
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andynorth wrote: Sun Oct 29, 2023 9:32 pm
Intheswamp wrote: Sun Oct 29, 2023 7:21 pm I’d have to move and that’s all there is about it! :mrgreen:
I left Montana for that specific reason. Well, that and finding a job in the 80's was not the easiest to do. Then I move to one of the wettest places around. South of Seattle.
I left Montana also in the 80s (Bozeman) due to no construction work. Went to the coldest place in the lower 48, MN. Got back home to CO in 2000.
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By andynorth
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So here south of Seattle we have had a couple days where it dropped just below freezing. Not so much as to cause any ice but cold just the same. However, the next ten days is forecast to be in the mid to upper 40's at night and upper 50's to lower 60's during the day. My VFT's have been starting to descend in to dormancy for a couple weeks now as well as my sarrs starting to look as if they are getting set.
I plan to move them in to my garage (need to hurry and clear a space) for the winter and am wondering is it time to do so or should I wait a bit longer? Our weather here is too unpredictable this time of year and throughout the winter. I do not want to leave them outside as it is just too wet here in the winter. I plan on building a bog of some type that allows me to drain off excess water so as not to cause root rot during the winter months.
Once I am able I hope to build a Bog next to my not yet finished pond with a waterfall. The flowing water from the water fall will be used to accommodate the needs of my Cobra Lily, running cool clean water through the roots constantly. They seem to really thrive with having cold water run through the roots at all times.
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By wcrosman
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13 degrees f here this am
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By -Stanley-
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Here is our weather of the month, cold weather came pretty gradually.
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By Panman
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The great plant migration has begun. Only 4x more to go.
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By alecStewart1
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Welp, here in North Texas it got to a little above freezing and all of my outdoor guys got frozen in place from the wind chill. Brought them inside to slowly thaw out while I'm at work (it's a half day for us) and I think I'm just going to nut up and put them in the garage, now that I have one. I could get a burlap sack to cover them, but the garage just sounds way easier.

Just know if you ever receive a temperate perennial plant from me, it'll probably be the hardiest thing in your collection. :lol: It gets over 100 here and as low as below freezing here as well.
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By DragonsEye
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I put my dormancy needy cps in the fridge last weekend. didn’t that I would forget. And since we’re supposed to get snow this upcoming week that would’ve been a bad thing. And this Thanksgiving weekend would’ve been useless to try to since I will be in the process of moving my mother from upstate Michigan to downstate Michigan so not a relaxing weekend and no free time at all.
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By Intheswamp
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I've moved most of my temperate plants to the "cold room" in the old dilapidated mobile home I use as my indoor growing room. The cold room is basically...the kitchen with a couple of windows opened/cracked close by. Dim light, cool/cold temperatures but it shouldn't get below freezing. Anyhow, I've got most things in there on top of the old refrigerator. So, that ought to tip you off on how many I have to overwinter. :D I've still got two growing "mystery" sarrs from Cal Carn outside along with a big pot of straggly Walmart flytraps and some type of flava(?). I'm debating on whether to move my sphagnum moss containers inside or not. It looks like we're moving into a 60F/40F hi/lo temperature for south Alabama.

I've got a couple of questions:
I've got a container of d. filiformis Florida Giant x tracyi clones that have been growing indoors since I started them a year ago from leaf cuttings. They're basically full-size now and I'm wondering if I need to move them from under lights and let them wane away for the winter or let them wait until their second year for dormancy. They're looking a little straggly so they may be hinting they're getting ready to nap. :?: :?:

The second question is in regards to a S. Scarlet Belle. I got this last year (thanks Chef!!!) so I figure it was probably around a year old then. It was outdoors all summer and I brought it inside a while back when we had a freeze's been beneath the lights since then. It doesn't really show signs it wants to take a nap...adding more small pitchers around its base. Should I let it go as long as it will beneath the lights and let it tell me when it's ready for dormancy? :?: :?:
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By sans
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Darn. Well, you know what they say, Florida is permanent summer.
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By Intheswamp
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How do you handle dormancy?

They arrived! thank you! :D

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