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Discussions on how to propagate your plants sexually and asexually, by seed, natural division or leaf pulling

Moderator: Matt

By oroichi
Posts:  3
Joined:  Mon Dec 15, 2008 5:01 am
Hi all, I'm new to this forum and I just got a mini terrarium with 4-5 dionaea seeds from this site
I have always been fascinated by vft's but cos I live in Asia there I can only buy it online and getting it mailed to me.
Now that I got the seeds, I need advise on how to grow them to adult fly traps.
There's a couple of questions bugging me:

1. There's 5 seeds included in the kit, should I plant all of them in the micro terrarium at the same time? It doesnt say anything abt that in the instructions
2. SInce Asia has totally different climate and weather conditions will it be able to grow properly? I live in indonesia the climate here is hot and humid.
3. Once i plant the seed should i keep it indoors or outdoors? I was thinking of putting it on the windowsill of my study where there's adequate light until it begins to sprout. Is that ok?

Please help by giving me advise, I need to be sure 1st before I plant the seeds and start watering them, lol. Thanks.
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By Matt
Posts:  22524
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
Welcome to the forum!

You can plant all 5 seeds at the same time. I've had the best luck germinating seed under artificial lights. Just keep them warm and keep the humidity as close to 100% as you can and if the seeds are still viable, you should see germination in 3 to 6 weeks.

Once they germinate, you can keep them indoors if you wish. Just make sure to put them in a sunny windowsill. If you choose to put them outside, make sure to protect them a bit from intense sun and rain because the rain can splash them out of the soil.

Good luck!
By oroichi
Posts:  3
Joined:  Mon Dec 15, 2008 5:01 am
wow, thnx for the prompt reply. Did U try planting all five seeds at the same time as well.
Will it get too overcrowded in the egg sized terarrium when they start to grow?
By lemonlily
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Welcome, welcome.

I think Matt has planted over hundereds of them at the same time. I really don't know about the size, but I know that they don't need too much space. I just found out I a clone beside the parent plant and they both are in a two inch pot I believe. I always said it didn't have enough room for my plant(s), but everyone said it should be fine. The truth is, THERE'S TWO PLANTS IN THERE!!!

PS- I am here to help as best I can. The "smarty pants" people are always busy. I only had my Dionaea for two months, so All I can do is say 'I don't know about...'
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By Matt
Posts:  22524
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Yep. Lily's right. I got probably somewhere near a thousand seeds off my plants last summer. I planted about half of them at one time and the other half a month or so later. I had about 90% germination rate. Seedlings are microscopically tiny for quite a long time, so they don't need much room at all. Even a 1 inch or 2 inch pot will be fine for 5 seeds for at least a year, probably 2. It can take up to 5 years for a plant to reach maturity grown from seed. The plants from the seed I planted this summer are all between 5mm and 10mm across.

Also, I wanted to warn you to not be too disappointed if your seeds don't grow. There's a good chance that the seeds you have are very old and the older the seeds, the less likely that they'll germinate. If you can wait until next July or August, I should have plenty of seed again and I could send you some for nothing more than postage. I'm guessing that seeds are ok to mail to where you live? You can mail seeds to most places in the world without an issue with customs.
By lemonlily
Posts:  3168
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Matt wrote:Yep. Lily's right. I got probably somewhere near a thousand seeds off my plants last summer. I planted about half of them at one time and the other half a month or so later. I had about 90% germination rate. Seedlings are microscopically tiny for quite a long time, so they don't need much room at all. Even a 1 inch or 2 inch pot will be fine for 5 seeds for at least a year, probably 2. It can take up to 5 years for a plant to reach maturity grown from seed. The plants from the seed I planted this summer are all between 5mm and 10mm across.

Also, I wanted to warn you to not be too disappointed if your seeds don't grow. There's a good chance that the seeds you have are very old and the older the seeds, the less likely that they'll germinate. If you can wait until next July or August, I should have plenty of seed again and I could send you some for nothing more than postage. I'm guessing that seeds are ok to mail to where you live? You can mail seeds to most places in the world without an issue with customs.
How nice of you!
By oroichi
Posts:  3
Joined:  Mon Dec 15, 2008 5:01 am
The kit wrote garanteed to grow so I decided to buy it lol.
I just planted it and placed it on a window sill. I'll wait a few weeks and see if anything happens.
Wow U have the seeds, cool. The kit only provides 5 seeds what a rip off lol.
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