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By Antoni
Posts:  122
Joined:  Tue May 07, 2024 7:19 pm
Hi, I checked the weather online and there is a chance that a thunderstorm will occur this night (in my area and it's almost 9:30 pm for me). Do I bring my Flytraps inside, cover then with something, put a rock on a pot not to blow it away? Help!
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By DragonsEye
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Why would you bring them inside? I assure you, in their native habitat, no one runs out with little umbrellas to “protect “ them from the rain and the plants do just fine. If your potted plant is top heavy, and you could do all sorts of things to anchor it. You could set it inside a terra-cotta pot, you could snuggle it between a bunch of fairly large rocks, so it doesn’t move, set it between two wooden boards, or any number of other things.
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By That one plant boi
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As it has already been said, a little hard rain won't hurt your plants. I'd only be worried about the pot getting blown around if it isn't weighted enough if it gets windy. Also, if the surface of the soil is exposed I would be concerned about the rain splashing the peat out of the pot. I like to take a bit of sphagnum moss and lay a thin layer on top of the peat to prevent this.

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By andynorth
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That one plant boi wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 7:55 pm I like to take a bit of sphagnum moss and lay a thin layer on top of the peat to prevent this.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
All of my VFT's are potted in straight LFSM. My other plants, sarrs, drosera and 1 nep are topped with LFSM. I live in the PNW and we get quite a lot of rain. With the exception of my nep, ceph and a few drosera, they have all been outside in square pools and after our most recent torrential rains the most of them, including several "babies" are doing just fine. A couple may not have made it but I figure I will wait until the sun is out way more than it currently is to see if they will recover. If they do not recover, I have most in test tubes to propagate them. "Only the strong survive" applies to plants too. No need for plants that must be constantly babied as I have other things to do. We had a wind storm blow through 2 days ago. I have several plants that are starting to bloom and I have some of the blooms covered with organza bags to prevent them from getting pollinated. The most of them are quite tall and took a beating in the wind storm but all survived. In a nutshell, constantly moving them and messing with them causes more harm than good.
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By Intheswamp
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This week we got a thunderstorm or two,...too. :mrgreen: Friday and Saturday. Total of....<drum roll please>.....5.25 inches!!!! <ouch!!!...wish we could put some of it in the bank for later!!!>

The CPs I had outside simply got wet...real wet. Kinda like the vegetable garden I had the bonfire in. Pay no attention to the peas, those were some @*##*(&#@%$#!! sorry seed peas (courtesy of Seed Service Division out of Armory, MS and a local co-op (never again)...that is after the *2nd* skip planting (3rd time planting, basically!!!) :evil: (Pea rant off now.<g>) Anyhow, we got a little rain out of the storms...I guess I won't need to water the garden tomorrow. :lol:
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