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FlytrapCare Forum periodic photo contests

Moderator: Matt

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By Panman
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Before I announce the winner, allow me to apologize. Apparently, I was so excited about what the prize was going to be this month that I left out the rules section in the contest announcement. As most of you assumed, the rules are the same as the previous month. I mention this because we have a new member participating this month (welcome @New_Carni_Mom1. It is exciting to have new people participating but, because she just joined the forum, her vote on Nocturne's picture doesn't count. If it did, we would be in a run-off. The 5 post rule was added to prevent someone from trying to run up votes by creating new accounts. Sometimes, as it is in this case, a vote from a real person may not count. I hope everyone understands this. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me and we can discuss it.

So, without further ado, the winner of this month's contest is that lovable lunatic from L.A. (Lower Alabama), @Intheswamp. Congratulations! PM me for details on claiming your prize.

Thank you to everyone for sharing your wonderful plants with us. Keep an eye out for this month's contest. I'll give you a spoiler; start going through your pinguicula photos. I should have that contest up by the end of the day but I do not have a prize identified as of yet.
Camden, evenwind, Intheswamp liked this
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By Intheswamp
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WOWZA!!!!! I musta been asleep at the wheel or something 'cause this went right over (or is under) my radar!!!! This is bettern' finding out I won a pedicure down at Arnold's Grist Mill and Emporium...and Arnold, even with only half a good eye, can do wonders on goat hooves, cow name it!!!! He's even done sloth toenails, but that was a one-off event for one passing through from Teenysee. Most all the contestants for the regional "National Tree Climbers Champions Run for the Roses" competition go to him for pedicures...he can *really* put an edge on those boys' toenails, I tell ya...he's just plumb amazin'!!!!!! Personally, I'm just an amateur, but he does a pretty good job for us "regular guys".

But, I digress...winning the SD Kronos is definitely several clicks above Arnold's pedicures even though the pedicures sure can save a lot of sheets gettin' shredded!). The SD Kronos will be my FIRST CULTIVAR :mrgreen: and I hope I can do it justice!!!

Thanks to Matt and Leah, Panman for all his work and help and whacking me up side the head to tell me I had won the contest!!!! :lol:

So, in my very best, sequin-suited Elvis.... "Thank you. Thank you very much." :mrgreen:
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By Intheswamp
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...and not to belittle the great KD Kronos prize, but I've got the premium prize already here this morning. My granddaughter that got me into this hobby and her little sister are spending a couple of days with us. Talk about some good neck hugs!!!! I'm a winner in a bunch of ways!!!!! :D :D :D
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By Panman
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Intheswamp wrote: Wed Aug 02, 2023 4:53 pm My granddaughter that got me into this hobby and her little sister are spending a couple of days with us. Talk about some good neck hugs!!!! I'm a winner in a bunch of ways!!!!! :D :D :D
That's awesome. No grandkids here ... yet.
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By Intheswamp
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Panman wrote: Wed Aug 02, 2023 6:12 pm
Intheswamp wrote: Wed Aug 02, 2023 4:53 pm My granddaughter that got me into this hobby and her little sister are spending a couple of days with us. Talk about some good neck hugs!!!! I'm a winner in a bunch of ways!!!!! :D :D :D
That's awesome. No grandkids here ... yet.
I like the "yet" part!!! ;)
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By Panman
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andynorth wrote:so how do we join and when are the announcements?
Are you talking about future contests? They are posted to the Photo Contest Forum page photo-contests.html typically on the 1st of the month but sometimes it is a day or two later. The category and rules for submissions are in the first post of the contest thread for the month. The contest runs through the end of the month with the winner announced on the 1st of the next month (usually).
By New_Carni_Mom1
Posts:  10
Joined:  Sat Apr 15, 2023 4:29 pm
Oh no!! I’m so sorry. I think I was so excited to join the contest, that I overlooked that part when I skimmed the rules.

Congratulations to the winner 🏆 🎍

@Panman thank you for the warm welcome! I’ve been a “lurker” for over a year but decided to finally make an account back in the spring. Hope to be able to enter more future contests, especially since I got my new G16 baby in the mail this morning from the FTS. 😍
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By Intheswamp
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Received teh SD Kronos from Leah and Matt today! They musta put it on a jet coming my way...shipped Tuesday with Sunday and Labor Day in between!!!!! Thanks!!!!!

Now this is the nicest flytrap I've owned. Not to take away from my others, but, well, this one is already GIANT compared to my small plants. It rode hard getting here, but give it a little while longer and it'll be perking up nicely!!!

But, I need some direction. What grow mix to use? I've seen people talking about growing in pure LFSM so I decided for now to try it. I rinsed some Better-Gro LFSM, squeezed it out good, dug a hole down in it and slipped the SDK down in it. Topwatered it to settle the plant into the moss a bit. Got a little water in the saucer and now letting it enjoy a night's rest before waking up to a south Alabama morning. It will have probably three hours of sunlight in the morning...having traveled and stressed out by the tossing around and darkness I figure I'll let it get used to its new location a bit before sticking it out in a longer full sun period.

Questions... Should I add some perlite to the LFSM? Should I ease it back into the sunshine or go ahead and throw out there?

Thanks again to everybody! I'm looking forward to seeing how the SD Kronos does for me. I'm just hoping I can give it a good home where it can reach it's potential!
6" diameter pot  a US quarter for perspective
6" diameter pot a US quarter for perspective
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