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Moderator: Matt

By Leo756
Posts:  764
Joined:  Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:42 pm
OMG, I'm so sorry to hear about this, Matt. I, too, was absolutely shocked and horrified while reading the article. It's always so senseless when people commit such heinous crimes like this. I absolutely echo all the sentiments listed above. I'm so glad he's been caught and I hope he gets what he deserves.
By hidz
Posts:  24
Joined:  Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:01 pm
That is really sad to hear, may he and his wife rest in peace. Very sorry for your loss, and my condolences to his family.

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By killerplants4realz
Posts:  475
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My friend and teacher of carnivorous plants has passed away along with his wife. Jerry Jackson:( He was recently sending me updates and pics of his new green house and then suddenly stoped writing me. I am sorry for those who were friends with him and god bless his family. I am having a hard time comprehending this but from my sources he and his wife were murdered by some f**k off. For their cars? Anyway you might have known him by you tube for his videos of making division's of Cephalotus and heliamorpha. We lost a nice super great person:( So keep his family and friends I'm your prayers and heart's. Check the news in Oregon for more details. If I find out more I will post.
By SerMuncherIV
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This is a disastrous loss for the community. I can't say that I knew Jerry personally, but I definitely know that he and his family didn't deserve this. Things like this really make me wonder how people can be so insensitive and f*cking retarded as to murder for the sake of monetary value. I'm truly sorry to hear this, it's always worse when somebody in a small and tight community like this one gets targeted - not just for the loss of life, but for the contributions and wonderful things the individual has done for the community.
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By Nauz
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Rip Jerry and Joann, I'll forever enjoy your videos on YouTube. Thanks Matt for the information.
By lanzad
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I just wanted to offer my condolences. Terrible tragedy and a very difficult time.
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By boarderlib
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I did not know Jerry or his wife, but my heart and condolences go out to all the friends and family during this tragic time. It's times like this when everyone should stick together, and honor their memories. As hard as it may be right now. I know first hand, as to the stupidity of some people. As for this douchebag, he deserves far worse than what he'll get.

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By pieguy452
Posts:  2460
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I am absolutely floored. What kind of worthless scumbag assaults and kills a peaceful elderly couple? That "man" is an absolute disgrace to humanity.

May Jerry and Joann's souls rest in peace.
By Teye01
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I'm really sorry for your loss. This man is an absolute cowerd and disgrace for humanity. How dares he.
By Adelaide
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This is really awful. I didn't interact with him, but this is a very upsetting situation and I feel for everyone's loss.

I don't know if now is the time for this, but is there a way we can honor their memory? Perhaps the proceeds from his collection can go to a 'Jerry and Joann Jackson Scholarship Fund' or we can start a forum collection for such a fund? Maybe name a cultivar or crossbreed after them?

CPs obviously meant a lot to them as they mean a lot to all of us, they are what bring us together - I believe doing something to honor their memory will in a way, keep them with us.
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By Dewy the Sundew
Posts:  292
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Oh my god... I may not know Jerry as i am new here. But from what i can see and tell, he is a nice guy. So sorry for the loss of a friend Matt and everyone. After reading the article, i was really devastated and was filled with rage. What has both of them done to deserve this?! This is really upsetting to the loss of one of our forum mates, and a friend. :sad:
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By xr280xr
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Wow, I didn't see this until now. So upsetting. I didn't know Jerry or Joann, but I have a lump in my throat and feel angry as well. I had stumbled across one of Jerry's youtube videos about cephs that gave me the courage to try growing them a few years ago. I had posted about it here: ... eo#p195270.

I'm so sad for their family. I hope they've come across threads like this online to see what a far reaching impact he had on this community around the world.
By amriko
Posts:  64
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Oh my God, I'm shocked. I can't believe something like this happened right in our little community.

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