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By sanz
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It's been a month since I received the seeds from the seed bank and here is an update on their growth!
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By sanz
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D. capensis & filiformis "FR, WF"
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By sanz
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Mixed Drosera and Mystery Dew
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By sanz
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D. regia "extra"
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By sanz
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Has anyone ever grown Mixed Drosera or Mystery Dew? I wonder what kind it will be when it grows up
and for D. regia "extra" I don't know if I was wrong in growing it, but I didn't see any seeds sprouting.
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By ChefDean
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sanz wrote: Fri Nov 17, 2023 1:23 pm Has anyone ever grown Mixed Drosera or Mystery Dew? I wonder what kind it will be when it grows up
The Mixed Drosera contains eight spats, three capis, ultra x spat, a natalensis, a tropical intermedia, and Cape "Large Form". The Cape will be easy to ID once it grows out a bit, the rest may take a little detective work.
The Mystery Dew is simply a rosetted type that lost its label. More detective work.
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By sanz
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Intheswamp wrote:Look down in the lower left corner! ;)
do you mean this one?

It doesn't look like Drosera Regia, here's a clearer photo
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By andynorth
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Not sure if I did something wrong or what but mine seem to have just stopped growing. They turned red and were starting to get dew and then just stopped. It's been a couple months now. I will gr pics when the lights come back on.
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By ChefDean
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sanz wrote:It doesn't look like Drosera Regia, here's a clearer photo
At that stage, they all look alike. A spat looks like a capensis, but also looks like a capillaris, venusta, intermedia, burmannii, or just about any other sundew, even a regia. It needs to grow up some to be sure. If you only sowed regia seed in that pot, then that's likely what it is.
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By Intheswamp
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sanz wrote: Sat Nov 18, 2023 5:44 am
Intheswamp wrote:Look down in the lower left corner! ;)
do you mean this one?
It doesn't look like Drosera Regia, here's a clearer photo
Yes, that's the (only) one I saw. But, as young as it is there could be more coming. ;)
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By Intheswamp
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Oh, and I thought I'd add that it looks like you got a great germination on the others!
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By sanz
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If this doesn't grow at all, I'll request again for drosera regia from the seed bank :lol:
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By dizzle
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I had a lot of luck with the seed bank regia, with dozens of seeds germinating after 3-4 weeks. I didn't do anything special, just kept the peat moist and the pot bagged.
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By sanz
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dizzle wrote:I had a lot of luck with the seed bank regia, with dozens of seeds germinating after 3-4 weeks. I didn't do anything special, just kept the peat moist and the pot bagged.
Do you have any recent photos of D. Regia?
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