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By Jedikinigit
Posts:  130
Joined:  Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:35 pm
I have a lot of Sarrs dying, mostly in one water tray. Below are some pictures. I thought it was caterpillars and treated with the bacteria spray. Any help very appreciated!
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By andynorth
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Have you checked your TDS lately? If it is reserved to one water tray I might think mineral burn but I could be wrong. Have you used any fertilizer recently? Without knowing more about the environment they are in it might be difficult for users to figure out. Try to provide as much growing info as possible so others can make confident recommendations.
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By Jedikinigit
Posts:  130
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I'll check TDS, but I believe it's a pest. I'm using only rain water and the same water for everything
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By MikeB
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It's likely a fungal outbreak. I'm in the midst of battling one myself. You want a systemic fungicide so the plants can absorb it and attack the fungus from the inside-out. The problem is that this is the fungus' growing season. The treatment that you do now will likely halt the current infection but not cure it. When you're out of the climate cycle of the disease, you can eradicate it with regular applications.

I'm using thiophanate-methyl, recommended by a big-time Sarracenia grower. This stuff is a bit expensive: a quart of concentrate set me back 75 bucks. I'm doing foliar sprays and soil drenches to maximize the absorption. For something less expensive, try Tebuconazole. BioAdvanced 3-in-1 Insect, Disease & Mite Control contains it, but the concentration is only 0.65%. Here's one that's more potent:

BioAdvanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers and Shrubs, Concentrate, 32 oz
Tebuconazole -- 2.9%

You want to do foliar sprays and soil drenches with this one, too.
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By Jedikinigit
Posts:  130
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That seems likely. I checked TDS which is 31 ppm. Thank you for all the info. Did you do any quarantine or increase plant spacing?
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By MikeB
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Jedikinigit wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2024 7:46 pm Did you do any quarantine or increase plant spacing?
It hit at least half of my Sarracenia along the south side of the house. I'm treating every single plant. I don't want any seemingly healthy plants to be a reservoir for future fungal attacks.

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