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By tib777
Posts:  81
Joined:  Sun Feb 20, 2022 5:21 am
I have a Judith hindle that just flowered, it’s around 3-4 years old and I keep it inside and yes it has survived just fine with the Texas sun even from windowsill (it does go outside for winter dormancy).

I want to propogate sarracenia, I have been able to successfully propogate pings like crazy and nepenthes and flytraps from divisions, and sundews from seed, but the only carnivorous plant I haven’t been able to propogate is Sarracenia. How do I encourage it to multiply? I can only see 1 growth point and the dry part of the rhizome I did put some little cuts in it with a knife right before it came out of dormancy. This plant works wonders indoors as it has officially beat the Terminix in killing those ants! It’s killed literally thousands over the years (from inside!) and has kept the ant population in control indoors. (They aren’t the big ants, they are little ants called azqueles in Spanish)

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By optique
Posts:  1931
Joined:  Fri May 24, 2019 11:15 pm
Your not going to like what i have to say, but here it is. Full sun in the heat letting them fill with bugs makes them grow and divide fast.

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By steve booth
Posts:  1240
Joined:  Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:15 am
The plant will reproduce under optimum conditions, it is as optique says I'm afraid, there is no shortcut to making it divide.
Notching works best on old woody rhizomes that wouldn't normally divide because of their age.

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