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Photos of carnivorous plants other than the Venus Flytrap

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By andynorth
Posts:  1658
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Like the title says, I am looking for pics of S. (leuco x oreo) x (oreo x leuco) seedlings, if any exist. I won some seeds from ChefDean back in August and in my haste to get them growing I failed to identify 4 of my planters so I have no clue if they took or not. I think they might have but not real sure. I hate to have to wait until the are a couple years old to identify them. Thanks if you can help.
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By Intheswamp
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Here's the one seedling that I managed to get growing. Looks like its not liking "something" with one of the pitchers browning out on me. :( But, it's growing. ;)

The cape is a D. Capensis all-red "Beet" from a leaf-cutting that I got from Hollyhock. When I unwrapped the cape there was a broken leaf that was dangling, wilted, getting pale, etc.,. I figured "what the hey!" and pinched it off and threw it in a little bit of distilled water. It sat there and set there, started to grow a little fungus/slime. Then one day I noticed...little, microscopic leaves!!!! I cut the plantlet loose from the slimy leaf and carefully moved it into the pot with the pitcher plant seedling. It really surprised me that that wilted leaf actually produced a new plant!!! :D

Does the pitcher plant look like the seedlings that you have?
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By andynorth
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So this is the only "lone wolf" that I have with no ID. I am thinking this has to be it. Keep in mind it is larger than yours as I run lights for 22 hours a day.
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By steve booth
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You simply can't tell from seedlings that small I'm afraid, as you can see they all look so similar at that age, you will have to wait till it's older to have a better idea. They have such divergent genes that it is entirely possible that it could look like a typical oreophila or a leucophylla or anything in between, but if there is any doubt about its lineage at all don't label it anything other than NOID.

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By andynorth
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Thanks. In comparison with ITS pic, it is looking very similar. He and I got the same seeds from ChefDean at the same time. It seems we both only had one seed actually come up. I understand it is virtually impossible to tell at this stage but worth a try.
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By andynorth
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Intheswamp wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2024 5:56 pm Just think, Andy, our two little pitcher plants are siblings on opposite corners of the lower-48!!!! ;)
That they are. Like I said, it pretty much has to be this one as it is the only one that is all alone with no ID. The other 3 I have without ID have several in the pot and I know there were not that many seeds.

They arrived! thank you! :D

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