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Photos of subjects other than carnivorous plants, such as orchids, landscapes, etc.

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By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
Been a long while since I updated. Got a couple of things to share, first being the website. I still have plenty of content to add so it's a bit sparse right now but the vast majority of the betta spledens and stick insect care is taken care of:

I've also got some photos of random stuff to share. I finally got around to redoing the beetle tank and removed all the Hydroton left over from when it was a plant terrarium, the beetles have way more burrowing space now and have been making the most of it. Not the best image but one of the beetles was right at the front of the enclosure so I didn't want to open the door and find he chose to fly out or something.


The driftwood in Kaze's aquarium was destroying his fins so I tore it out last week (on my birthday of all days) and replaced it with lots of plants and a couple of smaller pieces of wood. The tank has come together beautifully and with the addition of fertilizers is bursting with life.


Kaze is showing signs of old age, he's a scraggly boy now and has been sulking a bit so I've got him in a quarantine tank to monitor the damage he's done to himself and to make sure that there are no illnesses affecting him. He's actually much happier in his quarantine tank than the big one, which is odd but understandable as he's always found it a bit difficult to swim so now he doesn't have to try as hard to get food and air.


Poor boy, but he's much much perkier now and he looks better than the above photo already. There is a possibility the quarantine tank (which is 15 litres/roughly 4 gallons) will become his permenant home, I don't want to put him back into the big tank and find he goes back to sulking so I'm going to do-up the QT tank, it already has his filter and my spare heater so all it needs is an extra hiding place (I've already got some live plants in there to keep him occupied and feeling safe). That leaves me with a free tank so I'm sure you can guess what'll end up happening :roll:

I never thought for a moment that I'd keep a betta in a tank smaller than 20 litres but this little old gentleman is really appreciating the smaller space, it also means I can do extra water changes as required and treat him if he develops any illnesses (common with older bettas... and other animals... and humans...).

No new photos of the sticks, have been preoccupied with the real world and haven't taken any recently. They're doing well though, Terra and Firma are still the lovely married couple they always have been though Firma is getting old; he probably has 4 to 6 weeks of life left, though he may exceed that. Both insects are wonderfully healthy and are still giving me tons of eggs.

Luckily I have 60 eggs to mail out tomorrow, hoping more sell soon.
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By Daniel_G
Posts:  5472
Joined:  Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:27 pm
Love the website Grey :)
I hope Kaze starts to look a bit better in his new tank, if it stays that way. I thought of getting a Betta once, not gone anywhere with it though.
I hope the 'real world' is treating you fairly :)
By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
Thank you Daniel :) Kaze's perked up wonderfully and I also have a new addition to the family:


He doesn't have a name yet but he's lovely, deformed, but lovely. He has a very short body and isn't in control of one of his ventrals, he also has a bit of a funky gill cover and seems to have scarring indicative of ammonia burns at some point in his life. I wouldn't put any of that down to the store I bought him from as they take very good care of all their stock so I can only assume this little (er, big) fish had some trouble when he was at the breeder's.

Real life is okay. I've been doing some volunteering on Mondays as well as some transcribing so I've been more exhausted more regularly but I'll adjust, always do. Thanks!
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By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
Thank you, me too. It's not the same without Kaze but I have other animals to focus on too so...

I'm using a laptop now and upon receiving it a little over a week ago determined that it was more suited to our cat, Skatty as he did this the moment I got it upstairs:

Misi doesn't care (sorry for the slight blurriness, shakey hands).

I mentioned a fair while ago about receiving some nymphs through the post; I never got around to taking decent photographs. This is the Phenacephorus cornucervi; he moulted yesterday. I believe he has one moult to go before being an adult. This species has a wonderful camouflage reflex that leads to them developing moss-like growths on bits of their body. Looks awesome. My little (he's about 7 cm now) one hasn't done this yet but maybe he will in future.
Grey liked this
By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
I'm sad to say that I found Firma dead this morning. He died at the ripe age of five months (into his adult life, not sure how old he was when I got him). The average lifespan of an adult male Extatosoma tiaratum is four to five months but while his lifespan was average his life in itself certainly wasn't. He was a gorgeous insect and I'll miss him, he left one heck of a legacy though.

Speaking of which I have some E. tiaratum eggs left ("some"). I've had some interest regarding the eggs recently but have said no due to it being cold. I'm concerned that these eggs will gradually begin to hatch and as I have over one hundred left I want to rehome them ASAP. I won't be charging for them except for £2 postage and really want to get them sent out in larger numbers. No heat pack will be provided as I can't procure them but I will be packing them carefully.

Shall get to mailing people who showed interest now...

RIP Firma.
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By Darkrai283
Posts:  2491
Joined:  Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:28 pm
Sorry to hear about the death of Firma. :( I hope many of the eggs you are actually keeping hatches and carries Firma's genes on.

I can't wait till the eggs you sent me back in October hatch and kick-start my ambition to be an exotic insect breeder one day. Thanks a ton! :)
By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
No worries Richard and thank you :) I wonder if Terra realizes her mate is gone... maybe not but she hasn't moved much overnight. I didn't hear any rustling of leaves as I usually do... she'll be six months into her adulthood on the 31st this month, gosh time has certainly flown. I hope the eggs start to hatch soon!!

Makes me wonder how old my P. cornucevi. I've found lots of care info but no basic stuff about lifespan, he's not eating much either and hasn't been particularly active that I've seen. As E. tiaratum have a slightly "above average" lifespan compared to other phasmid species it does make me wonder how long the cornucevi will survive. He's lovely, still enjoys being handled.

I've been staring at phyllium eggs on eBay for a while now. Hmm.
By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
Hello everyone,

I've been busy for a while now working on a new project that was outlined in this topic. Those of you who have me on Facebook may have noticed I posted a screenshot pertaining to said project, well now I feel as though it is ready to release to the public.

For some time I've been wanting to redesign Grey's Pinguicula Garden to make it more my own. I love the Weebly templates but honestly I just wanted something that was more me and not everyone-and-their-brother-if-you-modify-it-it's-a-bit-more-unique-ish-but-not-much-ish (EATBIYMIIABMUIBNMI for short... sounds edible). Because I fail miserably at HTML I decided I'd instead opt for something simple, as when you modify something simple the changes are usually much more dramatic... but enough about that for a moment.

Some of you may also be aware that I have a second website, entitled Rachel's Secret Garden; it houses information about various other topics that I'm interested in(aquatics and phamids being the two key features of this site). But the issue has been that... well, I have problems maintaining one website... so how could I maintain two in two different places at two different times? I can't. So, the real project was not so much the new layout for Grey's PG but rather the merging of it with Rachel's Secret Garden!

So I'm basically here to announce that Grey's Pinguicula Garden and Rachel's Secret Garden have both been moved to a new home: Rachel's (not so) Secret Garden! All of the care guides from Grey's PG are in tact and have been moved over and divided into sections to make it easier to find exactly what you're looking for.

My two forum topics pertaining to the websites have been merged and moved to this part of the forum as it seems to be more of a photo topic than one following the website, you can find the new topic following my Pinguicula website here.

I'd like to give a HUGE thank you to those who have allowed me to use some of their Pinguicula photographs so far; I'm still looking for as many photos as I can get my hands on of cold temperate and warm temperate species and hybrids so please feel free to contact me if you have anything you'd like to share!

I hope you find the new site easier to use! Thank you all for your support and kindess!

God bless,
By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
I've been out of it the last few days... and in that time I've had some new arrivals - those of you who have been following the story of my stick insects may be very pleased to see the following.


The largest (the one in the middle) is about a week old now, they've just started developing colour - previously they were black with a red head and white bands. Beautiful things!
By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
More photos of nymphs:




(Taken today; second moult of the largest nymph. You can see the size difference between how large she is now and how she was before, amazing.)
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