FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Got a carnivorous plant and you don't know what it is? Ask here!

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By Do_Gon
Posts:  236
Joined:  Tue May 07, 2019 5:29 pm
Got this on a trade a while back. Can anyone ID it?
By twitcher
Posts:  656
Joined:  Sat Aug 25, 2018 5:56 am
Looks like U longifolia. That one is relatively distinctive, but I would wait for a flower before being sure. They are easy bloomers, so you should not have to wait too long. Flowers mostly blue and about 1" wide.
By Do_Gon
Posts:  236
Joined:  Tue May 07, 2019 5:29 pm
twitcher wrote:Looks like U longifolia. That one is relatively distinctive, but I would wait for a flower before being sure. They are easy bloomers, so you should not have to wait too long. Flowers mostly blue and about 1" wide.
Ok. Thanks for the help. I've had it in my greenhouse for about a year now. Just took it out and put it in my window a few weeks ago. Now it's got a long flower stalk so I'm leaving it in my window. If it gives me seeds, I'll donate them to the seed bank.

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hi: im feedmesemore

Welcome to the forum!

How cold is too cold

Thanks! They will stay outside from now on.

Hello from New England

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Oddly shaped Sarr

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Thanks, y’all!

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