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By Benny
Posts:  530
Joined:  Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:46 pm
Enjoyed looking at the photos! I would like to have some to post some soon!
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By MikeB
Posts:  2017
Joined:  Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:13 pm
Here's are some of my seed-grown flytraps. These little squirts are about a year and a half old now. Their parents were A2, B52, Dutch Delight, Flaming Lips, Grün, Low Giant, Megatrap, Vigorous, and typicals in assorted combinations. I like traps with bright-red interiors, and I definitely succeeded with some of these.

In case you're wondering, the surface of the tray is LFS (originally). I misted the seedlings with diluted Maxsea last summer, and algae bloomed on the moss. Now it looks like they're potted in baked beans....
Young VFTs.jpg
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By MikeB
Posts:  2017
Joined:  Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:13 pm
@Matt: Considering the parentage of these plants, I'm not surprised that some big ones are popping up. That one is on my keeper list. Now all I have to do is find some fruit flies or sugar ants to feed them so they'll put on some size.

@sanguinearocks101: Yeah, that looks like a pure-blooded var. floridana. Most of them refused to go dormant last fall, and my cold weather killed them. The hybrids between var. filiformis and var. floridana survived the winter without a fuss. They have a nice mix of traits from the two varieties.
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By Invasion_UwU_OwO_69_
Posts:  20
Joined:  Tue May 12, 2020 8:40 am
Time to do a little Necroing.

Two month old seedlings, this one is really stuck out to due to its paleness. Hopefully it keeps its paleness as it develops, but I fear the palesness is also why it's behind in growth.
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By Apollyon
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These little guys just germinated.
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By Artie101
Posts:  34
Joined:  Sat Jan 09, 2021 4:21 am
Hi some great pictures, I’ve grown some for the first time eBay brought seeds thankfully all seem to be true.

In my pot plants have a small fly infestation seems like vinegar fly type or size but the baby fly traps eat them seems to make them grow very quickly once traps are big enough to take them!

P.s All so brought some nepenthes seeds from eBay UK seller from Leicester as didn’t know what the seeds looked like planted and grow what I think is common flower seeds, now know should look like saffron strands!
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By Apollyon
Posts:  1663
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Artie101 wrote:Hi some great pictures, I’ve grown some for the first time eBay brought seeds thankfully all seem to be true.

In my pot plants have a small fly infestation seems like vinegar fly type or size but the baby fly traps eat them seems to make them grow very quickly once traps are big enough to take them!

P.s All so brought some nepenthes seeds from eBay UK seller from Leicester as didn’t know what the seeds looked like planted and grow what I think is common flower seeds, now know should look like saffron strands!
Nepenthes seeds are long/thin and almost look like tiny sticks with an embryo in the center. I have a macro pic of one of mine germinating here
I apologize if it's hard to tell but it's the best I have
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By Panman
Posts:  6708
Joined:  Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:41 pm
Here are some of my seedlings from the Flytrap Store seeds from the seed bank. They are about 2 months old.
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