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By Carnies
Posts:  1380
Joined:  Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:48 pm
First of all, Welcome to all new Members! This is a guide about carnivorous plants and this awesome forum. Let's start:


PM; Private message, private chat, to offer to trade.
CP; Carnivorous plant (s)
OP: Open-pollinated, pollinated freely.
IMO; In my opinion
WTB; Want to buy
FTC; Flytrapcare
FTS; Flytrapstore
SARR; Sarracenia, American Pitcher Plant
VFT; Venus flytrap
TC: Tissue Culture
NEP; Nepenthes, Tropical Pitcher Plant
Oreo; Short for Oreophila-an American pitcher plant species.
Leuco; Short for Leucophylla-an American pitcher plant species.
Purp; Short for Purpurea-an American pitcher plant species.
Ceph; Short for Cephalotus, the Australian Pitcher Plant
Ping: Pinguicula, the scientific name for the butterwort
Heli: Heliamphora, the scientific name for Heliamphora.
LFS: Long Fibered Sphagnum (See soils, terms)

Any other abbreviations? Post a reply, and I'll add it. Thanks!


Seed Bank; the one and only, free seeds for any member. At the top of the forum page, click seed bank and click on the topic: FlyTrapCare Community Seedbank Inventory and how to request to see seeds available and more info. General Rules stated below:

Inventory 0 - These seeds are extremely easy to germinate and can be ordered/requested by any flytrapcare forum member.
Inventory 1 - These seeds are easy and can be ordered by any FlyTrapCare Forum member active for at least 1 month with 5 non-giveaway posts.
Inventory 2 - These seeds may need a little more experience to germinate and require stratification. ( Stratification see terms )The certain species may be ordered by any member with 3 months active membership and 25 non-giveaway posts or any donor. (Donor see terms)
Inventory 3 - These seeds are suggested for more advanced growers with more experience with carnivorous plants. They are unique and require specific conditions or treatments to germinate. These species may be ordered by any member with 12 months active membership and 100 non-giveaway posts or any donor. (Donor see terms)

Grow Lists

List all the plants you grow, and be sure to include what else you want. Please include scientific names. (See scientific names, terms)
Example Format
Carnie's Grow List

Dionaea muscipula 'Red Toothed'
Sarracenia flava
Drosera capensis

Wish List:
More sundews
Photo Contests

Run by Matt and Leah, owners of Flytrapstore and Panman, an excellent grower with good plants.
Every month the member who runs the contest will state which plant to take pictures of. At the end of each month, the winner will be decided by who has the most likes on their picture.


Trading is one way to get plants you want and giveaway plants that you might not really want. Here is some basic info: (To see more info on trading, see hungry carnivore's Sale/Trade/Requesting advice, sale-trade-requesting-advice-t48811.html)

To start a trade, start by looking at other member's grow lists, and pick out plants you might want. Send them a PM (Private Message) or reply to their post. Start the process by stating what plants you are interested in and what plants you have.


A giveaway is run by a single member who is giving away a specific plant to a winner. There are specific formats that the member will state.

For any other references, please reply to this post. Thanks!


Scientific Names:

The American pitcher plant family is the genus Sarracenia. Here are the general species.

Sarracenia flava
Sarracenia rubra
Sarracenia oreophila
Sarracenia leucophylla
Sarracenia alata
Sarracenia purpurea
Sarracenia psittacina

The Marsh Pitcher Plants are one of the more difficult plants to grow, here are some that are not as challenging.

Heliamphora nutans
Heliamphora minor
Heliamphora heteradoxa

The Venus Flytrap is just one species, although many interesting cultivars circulating. Here are the general cultivars every carnivorous plant enthusiast should know.

Dionaea M. 'Dente'
Dionaea M. 'B52'
Dionaea M. 'Funnell Traps'
Dionaea M. 'Gremlin'
Dionaea M. "Typical"
Dionaea M. 'Red Dragon'/ 'Akai Ryu'
Dionaea M. 'Sawtooth'
Dionaea M. 'Fused Tooth'
Dionaea M. 'Green Dragon'
Dionaea M. 'Wacky Traps'

The Sundew Family is made up of many species, almost too many to list. I will list the subfamilies here. The sundews always start with the genus name Drosera.

The Rossetted Sundews
The Forked Sundews
The Cape Sundews
The Pygmy Sundews
The King Sundews
The Temperate Sundews
The Tropical Sundews
The Winter Growing Sundews

The butterwort family is also made up of many species. Since so many are being circulated, I will list a post with all of the species. (pinguicula-species-amp-hybrids-list-t17114.html)

The bladderwort family is made up of many species. I will list the main species here.

Utricularia bisquamata
Utricularia longifolia
Utricularia alpina
Utricularia sandersonii
Utricularia gramnifolia
Utricularia gibba

The Tropical Pitcher Plant family has an uncountable number of species. Here are some of the well-known species.

Nepenthes ventricosa
Nepenthes ventrata
Nepenthes rafflesiana
Nepenthes rajah
Nepenthes ampullaria
Nepenthes alata
Nepenthes mirabilis
Nepenthes bicalcarata
Nepenthes veitchii
Nepenthes truncata

The Cobra Lily, Australian Pitcher Plant, and the Dewy Pine all are just one species. Here are their Scientific names:
Cobra Lily: Darlingtonia californica
Australian Pitcher Plant: Cephalotus follicularis
Dewy Pine: Drosophyllum lusitanicum

Any other genera I forgot, please reply to this post! It would be even more helpful to provide a shortlist of the genus I forgot. Thanks!

Soil :

Peat: the most used soil for carnivorous plants, can be used for almost any type. Do not fertilize (See fertilize, terms)
Long Fibered Sphagnum: Mostly used for propagation but a good media for Sarracenia, Dionaea, Nepenthes, and Heliamphora.
Perlite: An excellent rooting media used by itself.
Tissue Culture: See tissue culture, terms.


Seed: Please see the following articles: ... ermination, ... owingseeds, ... rification, ... aceniaSeed

Division: This is when you start to see multiple growth points, this means your plant is in good conditions and needs to be reppoting to prevent overcrowding. To divide a mature and clumping carnivorous plant, first take the plant out of the soild and seperate the growth points. This is usually done in winter to early spring to early summer.

Leaf Pullings, Cuttings, Rootcuttings: See the following articles: ... afCuttings, ... afPullings, ... Pinguicula, ... rlingtonia, ... emCuttings

Tissue Culture: Flytrapcare has an amazing tutorial on how to do TC, here's the link:

Cross Pollination
This is a fun way to produce seed, most of the time this is done with Sarracenia flowers although you can pollinate many other carnivorous plants by their flowers. To get a good seed set on sundews and venus flytraps, simply rub a paintbrush on the flowers. To really get maximum seed on Flytraps, rub two flowers together. Since pollinating sarracenia is a little bit harder, check out this article: ... arracenia/

Here is the new post: topic49587.html

Anything Else:

Venus Flytrap Cultivars: cultivars-of-dioneia-t37786.html, ... authuser=0
Last edited by Carnies on Wed Feb 24, 2021 7:35 pm, edited 6 times in total.
ChefDean, Shadowtski, Matt and 2 others liked this
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By Shadowtski
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Carnies wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:35 pm Also, should I move this maybe near the top so new members don't have to scroll down?
Very nice.
Just one suggestion though; plant names should have the genus capitalized and the species lower-cased. For example: Sarracenia flava

I was going to suggest Pinning this topic but I see it has already been done.
Good growing,
oval liked this
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By Carnies
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Berrybob wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:26 pm Heli for heliamphora
Ping for pinguicula
Maybe put some links for basic anatomy of some CPs
OK, I'll try to find some, thanks!
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By Carnies
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Shadowtski wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:14 pm
Carnies wrote: Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:35 pm Also, should I move this maybe near the top so new members don't have to scroll down?
Very nice.
Just one suggestion though; plant names should have the genus capitalized and the species lower-cased. For example: Sarracenia flava

I was going to suggest Pinning this topic but I see it has already been done.
Good growing,
Ok, thanks, I'll try to finalize everything by tomorrow.
By Lyra
Posts:  241
Joined:  Wed Jan 01, 2020 6:38 am
This is an amazing guide. I learned some new thing. Thank you.

One suggestion, add how crosses are labeled, i.e. Plant A x Plant B, plant A is the mother and Plant B is the pollinator. This confused at first.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Panman, Matt, MikeB liked this
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By Carnies
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Matt wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 3:40 pm This is so awesome! Thanks @Carnies, for putting it together and thanks to everyone else who contributed!
No problem, wanted to help new members out so they know what some terms and abbreviations mean.
andynorth liked this
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By Carnies
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Lyra wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 2:41 pm This is an amazing guide. I learned some new thing. Thank you.

One suggestion, add how crosses are labeled, i.e. Plant A x Plant B, plant A is the mother and Plant B is the pollinator. This confused at first.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Good suggestion! Thanks!
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By Panman
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Since you moved it to a different forum, why don't you change the first post on this thread to link it to the new thread.

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

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