FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Post here to sell, trade or list your wants if you live outside the US, UK or EU

Moderator: Matt

By NatchGreyes
Posts:  205
Joined:  Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:17 pm
Hey Everyone:

I mentioned this in my giveaway post over on the US Sales, but I know not everyone checks all the sales pages, so I wanted to repost it here.

I wrote a book on Darlingtonia ( I'm happy to sign copies and add inscriptions and mail them anywhere. I've already sold a few not in the US, but I figured I should advertise a little more. So far, I have the following table for cost of book + shipping, but I'm more than happy to stop by my local post office and ask for prices elsewhere.

$16.25 USD

UK/European Union
$19.00 USD

$21.00 USD

If anyone is interested in signed copies, PM me or shoot me an email (Natch.Greyes [at]

Copies are also available on Amazon, for those of you not interested in signed copies.

Flytrap ID

With that color, it's not Flaming Lips. But, witho[…]

Nwpenthes grow tent help

So do you have shelves inside? Mine are 24x24x48.[…]

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Is this a steal?

2nd is new one not 1st mb

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