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Discuss Sarracenia, Heliamphora, Darlingtonia, Cephalotus plant care here

Moderator: Matt

By Sundews69
Posts:  2388
Joined:  Fri Dec 03, 2021 5:57 pm
Hey everyone,

I made a thread about my ceph a bit ago and I just can not find it so I made a new one. My ceph was not doing well - the current pitchers and ones it was working on died and the leaves were browning. It was recommended that I repot, but I never got to it. I was about to repot now but the soil is actually peat/sand/perlite/vermiculite/oven (I think) with a thick layer of lfsm on top. Should I still repot? I will ask the person I got it from if that is in fact the medium and will update

IMG_4327.jpeg This is the pot in question.

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