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Moderator: Matt

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By Matt
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Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
jamzjamz wrote:Can photos be edit? Photoshopped, airbrushed?
Yes, that's fine.
dantt99 wrote:Thanks for setting one up, Matt! It's been awhile, and I've been craving one of these!
Yeah, it's been far too long since the last one! This summer has been such a blur for me between working and racing (swimming races). I have been racing nearly every weekend. Having not done tissue culture since late June, I'm so far behind in tissue culture work it's ridiculous! I hope to start again in early September and hopefully get some nice plants by next spring.
By dantt99
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Joined:  Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:48 am
Matt wrote:Yeah, it's been far too long since the last one! This summer has been such a blur for me between working and racing (swimming races). I have been racing nearly every weekend. Having not done tissue culture since late June, I'm so far behind in tissue culture work it's ridiculous! I hope to start again in early September and hopefully get some nice plants by next spring.
Wow! I didn't know you swam competitively. Have you done well in the races?
Can't wait for next year, I know you and Steve are working hard on getting lots of plants available for us :P
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By Matt
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dantt99 wrote:Wow! I didn't know you swam competitively. Have you done well in the races?
I just started swimming competitively at the end of last summer. I'm more of an open water distance swimmer, but last winter I got in the pool quite a bit and did some swim meets. I did well at those. This summer I was very excited about doing open water/distance swimming, so I did a race almost every weekend! I've done very well in them. I'm better at swimming than I've ever been at anything in my entire life. Probably my best finish this summer was at the Alcatraz Sharkfest swim on July 28th. I got 4th overall (out of over 800 swimmers) and 3rd in the wetsuit division: ... RaceID=WET

Was 21 seconds behind first place. I was with him the whole way, but just couldn't keep up at the end, darn it!
dantt99 wrote:Can't wait for next year, I know you and Steve are working hard on getting lots of plants available for us
Yeah, definitely! We should have some nice plants to offer next year provided I don't lose more cultures. I've had a terrible spring/summer for contamination losses. I started having mold problems sometime in March and it got progressively worse. I essentially lost everything I had in TC other than what I initialized this spring. But I did some nice ones this spring that look clean and are in need of a replate now.
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By Matt
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Hah, we've never had so many questions about doctoring photos, time-lapse video, composite images, etc.

I'll try keep to it simple, I guess: The photo contest is intended to be fun and not have too many strict rules. People are allowed to vote for whatever photo they want and thus, I suppose, people should be able to submit any photo they want (a single photo, non-collage/time-lapse video) with as much doctoring as they'd like. If there is something that we (the moderators and I) find isn't appropriate for some reason, we will remove it and inform the submitter.
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By Matt
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dantt99 wrote:Very nice Matt! Any good prizes for that finish? Or just your personal pride, and bragging rights?
The Sharkfest swims usually have pretty nice prizes. I got a bottle of wine, a medal and a personalized engraved plaque (will be sent in the mail and I haven't received it yet) for getting first in my age group.

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