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Photos of carnivorous plants other than the Venus Flytrap

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By Dejavert
Posts:  28
Joined:  Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:57 am
Here's what we have so far. I had decided that I loved the idea of planting a 20 gallon long, but I didn't realize all of the intricacies of flushing the whole thing and I put a couple plants that required dormancy in with others that didn't Image I'm sure I could've made it work but I just don't have that kind of money or brains. Soooo I'm potting them up into little groups of plants depending on dormancy and whether they can live with a water tray or not. I know that the standard plastic pots in a plastic tray is a great option for helping the plants to thrive, but I just wanted something a little bit fancier so I used a dremel and drilled a hole in the bottom of a wide bowl and set it in a plate that has a little lip on it for the water reservoir. That's it for today but I'll update here with any more plant bowls that I make.
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By Intheswamp
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I think you will enjoy this more while you're getting accustomed to working with carnivorous plants. It looks good, too! ;)
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By Dejavert
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Intheswamp wrote:I think you will enjoy this more while you're getting accustomed to working with carnivorous plants. It looks good, too! ;)
Thank you, I think so too. They're surprisingly easy to take care of, but I imagine this will make them even easier.

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By Dejavert
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My newest group of dudes. These ones got a bit dirty while I was moving them and I washed off a lot of their dew trying to get the dirt off. Sorry dudes, I hope they spring back soon.
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By Dejavert
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andynorth wrote:Where in Western WA. are you at? I am in Federal Way.
Hello, fellow Washingtonian! I'm on Whidbey Island (north of you, near Everett)

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andynorth liked this
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