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By Oblivion
Posts:  1251
Joined:  Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:32 pm
some time ago john gave me two of what i jokingly call "baked potato's". (amorph)

i had them in peat sand (mistake) and when they grew and realised this, i put em both into potting mix where they are both doing great.
i was given another from a member of the club.

its been 3mth or so? and i notice that in the peat pot, along with some CP's, i can see another amorph has started opening its leaves and is about 3" long.

i can only assume it grew from a broken root when the others were repotted?
By yinepu
Posts:  154
Joined:  Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:47 pm
Some can grow from root cuttings..
I know of one lady who made the mistake of planting a couple in her garden.. a couple months later, before they bloomed, she decided to dig them up and plant them back into pots.. the following year she realized she had hundreds popping up in her garden.. all from bits of roots that she had left behind. Lol.. now she curses them since they have taken over her back garden.

Thank you

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