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Moderator: Matt

By krizenten
Posts:  23
Joined:  Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:07 am

I want change my darlingtonia seeds to your venus fly trap seeds.I have 1000 seeds. 8-)


By krizenten
Posts:  23
Joined:  Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:07 am
Matt wrote:I currently don't have any Dionaea seed to offer for a trade, but I'll happily send you some when I do get some. I'd love to get some Darlingtonia seed!
Give me plaese your addres,I sent darlintonia seeds to you.
By lemonlily
Posts:  3168
Joined:  Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:54 pm
Matt wrote:I currently don't have any Dionaea seed to offer for a trade, but I'll happily send you some when I do get some. I'd love to get some Darlingtonia seed!
Too bad you sowed all you 1000 something seeds or something like that. You were about to give them away but no one wanted any...
By krizenten
Posts:  23
Joined:  Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:07 am
lemonlily wrote:
Matt wrote:I currently don't have any Dionaea seed to offer for a trade, but I'll happily send you some when I do get some. I'd love to get some Darlingtonia seed!
Too bad you sowed all you 1000 something seeds or something like that. You were about to give them away but no one wanted any...
oh sorry,my english bad,I am not understant you. :lol:
By krizenten
Posts:  23
Joined:  Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:07 am
Matt wrote:Lily is referring to the fact that I planted all of my Dionaea seeds last fall instead of saving any.
I sent your darlingtonia seeds last week. ;)
Hello again from Florida


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