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By moof
Posts:  1036
Joined:  Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:54 am
I just recently bought some xaxim - a very non-ecological product, but I couldn't get Epiweb in Poland... I planted my U.campbelliana on it. It's a very SLOW grower, but since I keep it vertical it looks like it's growth got better. I kept it in a normal pot before. The red rectangles show the places where new leafs are emerging and the old ones too:


Looks like the species growing vertically are not doing well when kept in classic pots. I'll try the same method with U.asplundii.
By RL7836
Posts:  188
Joined:  Tue May 18, 2010 2:56 pm
Congratulations on getting a campy and also getting it to do some growing. Keep us updated on how it comes along - & how the asplundii adapts to the new conditions. What temps does it see (day / night)?

I've had my asplundii growing in a peat-based mix for over 6 months & it has not grown much. Recently, I've gotten 2 offshoots to root & start to grow. The one in live LFS seems to be doing very well - so far...
By moof
Posts:  1036
Joined:  Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:54 am
Hi Ron,
20-25 at day, varies with the ambient temperature in the room and 14-16 degrees Celsius at night. I'm still waiting for my U.asplundii, I'm doing a trade:) Never grown this species before and I want to give it a try on the xaxim. I didn't see any photos from it's natural habitat with horizontal growth! Good to hear that your plants are doing well!


package recieved thank you Sent from my SM-S918U […]

Oddly shaped Sarr

Thanks, I gave them another treatment this morning[…]

SASE received. Order is fulfilled. Return envelope[…]

I do sell on Etsy, and anything I sell is authenti[…]

hi: im feedmesemore

Welcome to the forum!

How cold is too cold

Thanks! They will stay outside from now on.

Hello from New England

Welcome to the forum!

Nepenthes cold shock?

Thanks, y’all!

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