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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

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By Sharon Jackson
Posts:  2
Joined:  Mon Apr 15, 2024 7:41 am
Hello, I bought 2 traps a few months ago, both were on sale as they looks quite sick with many dead traps.
I thought I was doing well, they recovered well. I was feeding it flys, buying venus trap soil and feed. This past week though I have noticed the leaves are thin and the plant on the left is looking unhappy. I had been watering it tap water, thinking because I live where water quality is great it would be ok. I have since stopped and started collecting rain water. Is it too little, too late?
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By optique
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Pay extra attention at 7m 35sec

PS: at this point it can recover, but not in current conditions.
#1 stop feeding it, that uses a lot of energy the plant is not getting from sunlight.
#2 if you have a place outside in full sun to place it, start accumulating it to stronger light. The current growth will burn like a vampire in the sun with out time to adjust.
#3 I don't see any issues with mineral burn from the water, but that snow balls over time. Minerals build up over time. check you water CO's website for TDS measurements to see if its safe.
#4 spend the summer deciding what you need to do for winter if you are in the south you may be fine if you are up north you may need protection. This map may help

Last edited by optique on Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By Spunro
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looks like it needs some more light, it it isnt going below freezing where you are i think itd be better to put them outside
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By steve booth
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I concur, they are suffering from a lack of light, and as they aren't photosynthesizing properly they are getting weaker, plus they are trying to flower which will further sap their energy, and feeding them in this condition with low light levels, unfortunately, will make matters worse rather than better.
They do require very high light levels, get them outside if it is possible and warm enough or get a grow light of some description.
As for the watering, if you flush them with rainwater a few times, they will recover from any damage occasioned by the tap water.

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By Intheswamp
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Some good advice, already. One thing I would add is that you might want to consider cutting those flower stalks off...they can use lots of energy that the plants need to survive.
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By Intheswamp
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Oh, and to answer your question. Sure...given proper care they should be fine. I've seen worse that rebounded and did well. ;)
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By Sharon Jackson
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Thanks everyone for all the helpful tips! Does outside need to be above a certain temperature? I'm in Scotland, so not known for warmth! I do have a brighter window cill.
Should I feed it more when it's flowering?🤔
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By MikeB
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Sharon Jackson wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:58 pm Does outside need to be above a certain temperature? I'm in Scotland, so not known for warmth! I do have a brighter window cill.
In the flytrap's native range, at this time of year, the daytime high is 22°C / 72°F, and the nighttime low is 13°C / 55°F.
Sharon Jackson wrote: Should I feed it more when it's flowering?🤔
Insects are fertilizer, not food. Venus flytraps produce food by photosynthesis, just like any other plant. The wide petioles (stalks with "wings") and small traps are signs that they need more light.

I wouldn't let these plants bloom in their current state. It's a little late at this point, but I would cut off the flower stalks so the plants can focus on growing more leaves.
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By steve booth
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Definitely chop the flowers off this year to help the plant save what energy it can.
I am a UK grower and 90% of my flytraps grow outside all year, however, your plant has been greenhouse grown, so it is tender, and the cold at this time of year will check its growth. If you are brave you can put it outside and watch the growth you have at the moment die back, but the new growth will be green, strong and acclimated to the ew better outside conditions. Or you can carry on as you are at the moment, giving it as much light as you can, (don't feed it as yet, and when you do, insects only no liquid feeds) and some of the leaves you have may hold on, then put it outside in a week or two when it's warmer over here. Then the old growth will die and the new growth will be OK. In either case it will look tatty till the end of June (ish).
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