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Discussions on how to propagate your plants sexually and asexually, by seed, natural division or leaf pulling

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By Hedonista
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Intheswamp wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 8:15 pm Fungus gnats...bad for seedlings. Do you have any mature sundews nearby...they *love* fungus gnats, especially (IMHO) filiformis!
Crud, I just discovered fungus gnats in mine yesterday, too. A few adults flying around, and larvae wriggling around in one of my pots. Spent awhile watching the surface for movement, then plucking the larvae out with needle-nosed tweezers and smushing them in a paper towel. Going to hang sticky traps in a bit.
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By thepitchergrower
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I would recommend putting mosquito bits/dunks in the water trays to kill the fungus gnat larvae in the soil. The mosquito bits/dunks contain bacteria that kill the larvae, eggs, and pupae.
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By Hedonista
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thepitchergrower wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:13 am I would recommend putting mosquito bits/dunks in the water trays to kill the fungus gnat larvae in the soil. The mosquito bits/dunks contain bacteria that kill the larvae, eggs, and pupae.
I’ve never used mosquito bits/dunks, so I’m unfamiliar with the difference. Is one better than the other?
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By thepitchergrower
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They contain the same bacteria. It is form factor- bits are rice grain sized, while dunks are larger circular chunks with holes in the middle. In my state, only the dunks are available. I personally think that bits would be easier to use.
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By Intheswamp
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Mosquito dunks/bits seem to raise the water's TDS a bit for me, but I've been told that it isn't anything to worry about but I still find myself only using them occasionally for a couple of 32-gallon garbage cans that I use for bulk storage...I use maybe an 1/8th of a dunk in each can (I got the dunks and crushed them). Mosquito Dunks do work. I, personally, would just go kinda easy with them. Top watering with the dunks will get the bacteria into the grow mix where the grubs are and the bacteria can get semi-established for a residual effect. You can also get the square yellow sticky traps sold for flies and gnats to catch the're probably familiar with them already. Here's a *very brief* little experiment I did with the dunks and TDS... post434031.html#p434031
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By Hedonista
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Intheswamp wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 1:34 pm Top watering with the dunks will get the bacteria into the grow mix where the grubs are and the bacteria can get semi-established for a residual effect. You can also get the square yellow sticky traps sold for flies and gnats to catch the're probably familiar with them already.
Is top watering with the dunks still ok to do with tiny seedlings like I have? I assume the water will get all over the seedlings.
I put a few sticky traps in yesterday.
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By andynorth
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Hedonista wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:41 pm
Intheswamp wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 1:34 pm
Is top watering with the dunks still ok to do with tiny seedlings like I have? I assume the water will get all over the seedlings.
I put a few sticky traps in yesterday.
Although I have never done this I would think it is not adviseable due to the risk of washing away your seeds. You would most likely want to wait for some sprouts.
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By Panman
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Hedonista wrote:Is top watering with the dunks still ok to do with tiny seedlings like I have?
andynorth wrote:Although I have never done this I would think it is not adviseable due to the risk of washing away your seeds. You would most likely want to wait for some sprouts.
The water will be fine to use on the seedlings, but top watering them will likely be a problem. For seedlings I tray water and use a mister to water from the top. I wouldn't use a mister with the dunks water as it is likely to clog it.
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By Hedonista
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Panman wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:58 pm
andynorth wrote:Although I have never done this I would think it is not adviseable due to the risk of washing away your seeds. You would most likely want to wait for some sprouts.
The water will be fine to use on the seedlings, but top watering them will likely be a problem. For seedlings I tray water and use a mister to water from the top. I wouldn't use a mister with the dunks water as it is likely to clog it.
Yeah, I was kinda wondering about that disturbing the seeds and seedlings. I’ve been bottom watering, with no need to use a mister yet as I still have Saran Wrap with slits in it over the trays (I’m actually not sure when to start removing it :? )
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By Panman
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I would remove the bag or plastic wrap once you have the first set or two of carnivorous leaves. Honestly, I think that the longer you keep them in high humidity, the faster they grow. The problem with bagging them is that you don't get good airflow so you are susceptible to rot.
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By Anzenix
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I didn't wash or rinse. The mold is getting crazier lol hmm.. ill try leaving it uncovered. I did prop the dome up and seemed to help but it may need more.
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By Intheswamp
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One thing rinsing the peat moss does is reduce the amount spores and seeds of mold and other foreign plants that might be in the peat. It helps rinse minerals, too, thus lowering the drain water's TDS level. I figure if my plants are going to be living in it for an extended period or that tiny seedlings will be trying to start life in it, that I'll give it as good a start as I I rinse the peat (and perlite). Giving it plenty of air will help might even remove the cover entirely if you think the water level is keeping the surface of the grow mix wet enough. It might be a big battle.
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By Anzenix
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Here is an update.. due to the mold issues, I decided to take my seeds outside. Lo and behold, nature took the wheel and I got seedlings and no mold!
20240314_131737.jpg (1.56 MiB) Viewed 869 times
On another note.. is this coloring normal or is it dying?
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Alas... that same nature... in the form of my dog, came and razed the land, along with all my seedlings and seeds. He had never shown interest in it but for whatever reason, he decided today would be the day. He took out 8 out of 18 pots and decimated them. I salvaged two that escaped harm, and a third one, I had to shift through the scattered medium and found about 6 seedlings and placed them in there. Whats more, I don't know what is what, so now those 3 pots are unknown. He went after one of my established plants.. but luckily the damage to it was minimal. Had to repot it, so hopefully the shock wont be too much for it. All my other plants are safe.. but I haven't been this heartbroken in awhile lol
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By Anzenix
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Well.. its been a few weeks. I've watched my dog like a hawk and he hasn't destroyed anything else. So far, the majority of the seeds did not germinate but I do have a few that are somehow making it through! Not the best experience but it's a win in my book. I'll be strat seeds this weekend and focusing on the seed bank seeds I've gotten. The seeds lost to my dog were all seeds I purchased so.. I don't feel too bad but.. I do lol

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