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By joecal87
Posts:  31
Joined:  Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:06 am
Hey so I have three traps - Jersey Devil, DC XL and BZ 1955. I got all three in dec/jan. All three arrived in dormancy. However my jersey devil has unexpectedly come out of dormancy since it’s been unseasonably warm this winter. While cleaning the area, I accidentally triggered a trap (scared the frak out of me when it moved lol) and after I just fed one trap just to see what would happen and it ate, so it is def out of dormancy. That one has been dormant since october as i would assume is the case with the other two.

Now, the other two are def still in dormancy so what do I do about the light situation? Do I increase it since one woke up even though the others are still in dormancy? I have no control of the temp, nature controls that lol. I’ve been doing it at 8 hours under a full spectrum 1000w sansi led sansi light (I plan on getting more plants in the spring plus they love light so i figured more the better lol), wasn’t planning on increasing to 14/16 hours til march. Normally the temps in the outdoor grow-room i have em are 35-55 during the day and 32 to 40 at night but off and on and the last week it has been more like 50 to 70 during the day and 40 to 60 at night. Between March and October the room will fluctuate as the seasons go on between 65 to 100 during the day and 50 to 70 at night.

The water situation is lowered since its dormancy. I still let them sit in the water but I let the tray dry out for a day or two or three rather than immedately filling. I only refill once the soil begins to dry. If out of dormancy I would always have em sitting on water. And yes i use distilled water, I always test it, its never more than 4 ppm, usually its zero. Everything I use is plastic

Also my bz 1955 doesn’t look too good. It came all green but all the big growths have died off over the course of a month or so, I think it’s just dormancy since the new growths in the middle look good and fresh so just wanted your opinions!

The DC XL looks good, still in dormancy for sure but nothing is dying off and nothing died off on the Jersey Devil either. The DC XL is still very low to the ground and traps have not moved.

Sidenote: in my living room I grow some sundews all look good, I also have a pot of fused tooth seedlings that I planted jan 2. 6 have already sprouted. I planted 12 but after a mishap 2 weeks in when i knocked over the pot, I didnt expect any to sprout from the disturbance. So to get 6 is amazing lol. Anyway I have it under a 36w full spectrum sansi light and a heat pad to keep it around 80/85. Obviously no dormancy as it sprouts lol but next year I was wondering if I should skip dormancy and let it grow and let it take dormancy for the first time the following year? Or would it be best to let them go into dormancy next year?

Thanks for any advice and input!!!
DC XL - Still in Dormancy looks good
DC XL - Still in Dormancy looks good
DC XL.jpeg (2.23 MiB) Viewed 1123 times
BZ 1955 - Rough Dormancy or Dying?
BZ 1955 - Rough Dormancy or Dying?
BZ 1955.jpeg (2.34 MiB) Viewed 1123 times
Jersey Devil - This is the one that woke up
Jersey Devil - This is the one that woke up
Jersey Devil.jpeg (2.21 MiB) Viewed 1123 times
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By Panman
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I wouldn't worry about the one that is waking up. The other looks rough. I would watch for any further deterioration. If that happens, I would pull apart the rhizome and try for leaf strikes. I had a Coquillage that looked like that last spring. I let it ride, and it all but died off. I started over with one leaf pulling.
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By joecal87
Posts:  31
Joined:  Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:06 am
Panman wrote: Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:21 pm I wouldn't worry about the one that is waking up. The other looks rough. I would watch for any further deterioration. If that happens, I would pull apart the rhizome and try for leaf strikes. I had a Coquillage that looked like that last spring. I let it ride, and it all but died off. I started over with one leaf pulling.
should i start increasing the light since one woke up or hold off til march as planned?
By joecal87
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Panman wrote: Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:26 pm It wouldn't hurt to start increasing the light. How long has it been dormant?
they are all new since jan but i was told since oct/nov. the jersey devil one they said has been dormant since late sept/early october they said due to an early freeze
By joecal87
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Joined:  Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:06 am
Panman wrote: Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:21 pm I wouldn't worry about the one that is waking up. The other looks rough. I would watch for any further deterioration. If that happens, I would pull apart the rhizome and try for leaf strikes. I had a Coquillage that looked like that last spring. I let it ride, and it all but died off. I started over with one leaf pulling.

i trimmed back all the dead leaves - def looks a lot better and the core is still strong. down to one trap but this trap looks good young but good. let’s see how it progresses
By joecal87
Posts:  31
Joined:  Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:06 am
just an update guys. after litterally cutting off everything and praying for the best, seems the worst might be over. what was once yellow and red and dying is now sprouting new deep green growth. i suspect the dirt covered too much of the rhizome
IMG_7593.jpeg (2.68 MiB) Viewed 766 times
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By Panman
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That still looks like it is planted too deeply. Where the leaf comes off of the rhizome should just be below the surface of the soil.
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