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By andynorth
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I discovered this white egg looking thing on my pitchers. It was at the top of the rhizome but I cleaned it off using a qtip. When squishing it appears to be blood coming from them so I am assuming some type of bug, just not sure what or how exactly to treat. Also, All the pitchers are sticky and have what looks to be some type of stick substance and pitchers are becoming deformed. Thanks for all help.
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By Panman
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I don't have any good advice. I haven't found any magic bullet. You will want to unpot the plants, rinse the roots and discard the soil. Mealybugs like to get down into the crevices where the leaves meet the rhizome. Remove any pests or egs you find with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Remove any pitchers and spray the whole thing good with Bioadvanced 3-in-1. Repot in a fresh pot and new media. Keep it isolated from other plants and treat it weekly for a month with 3-in-1. Pray they don't come back and spread to other plants.
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By andynorth
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Well, I am hoping I got them all. Rinsed everything really well. The rhizomes are not squishy and are still white. Removed anything I was able to see with alcohol. Should I cut all the pitchers off? I scrubbed them all down with alcohol.
Any idea why they would get mealy bugs if they are not outside and are in a grow tent?

I do not have the Bayer 3 in 1 but I do have Captain Jacks and Neem Oil.
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By Panman
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Are these old pitchers? If so I would cut them because the bugs can live inside them. If it is new growth, I would leave them and not stress the plant any more. Captain Jack's may a work. Need is pretty useless as it has to cover the bug to suffocate it.
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By andynorth
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They are the old pitchers. I just discovered the bugs today. I cut them all down as well as one other plant that was sticky and pitchers were a little abnormal. Fortunately everything else in the grow tent is covered. I just ordered the Bayer. Would Avid work? I have some of that also. It seems I have everything but the Bayer! I covered them both and will keep a close eye on them. Really a bummer as both plants were doing quite well in the grow tent. I left them in there after receiving them just to see how well they would do. Hopefully they will make a full recovery. Thank you
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By MikeB
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andynorth wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 12:07 am I do not have the Bayer 3 in 1 but I do have Captain Jacks and Neem Oil.
BioAdvanced 3-In-1 Insect, Disease and Mite Control, Ready-to-Use, 24 oz

In my last battle with mealy bugs, I had to hose the plant down 3 times to finally wipe them out. Fortunately, Sarracenia tolerate 3-in-1 well.
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By andynorth
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MikeB wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 1:41 am
andynorth wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 12:07 am I do not have the Bayer 3 in 1 but I do have Captain Jacks and Neem Oil.
BioAdvanced 3-In-1 Insect, Disease and Mite Control, Ready-to-Use, 24 oz

In my last battle with mealy bugs, I had to hose the plant down 3 times to finally wipe them out. Fortunately, Sarracenia tolerate 3-in-1 well.
So since I cut all the pitchers down, do I spray the soil/top of stems where I cut?
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By MikeB
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andynorth wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 1:42 am Yep. It will be here Saturday. I will apply every few days, unless that is not advised.
If you currently see mealy bugs on the plants, then Panman's recommendation of apply weekly for 3-4 weeks should do the trick.

FYI - If you're ever plagued by aphids, 3-in-1 will knock them out in usually just one application.
andynorth wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 2:25 am So since I cut all the pitchers down, do I spray the soil/top of stems where I cut?
I would give the crowns a good spray, along with the area a couple inches around them. Hold off with more spraying until if/when you see more signs of the bugs (I don't like to douse my plants with insecticide unless I see an actual need for it).
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By Intheswamp
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MikeB wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:08 pm <snip...> FYI - If you're ever plagued by aphids, 3-in-1 will knock them out in usually just one application.
Wow! I did something kind of right!!! I had some aphids on some capes and I decided I'd use the 3-in-1 on them. I did have some Captain Jack's concentrate, but took the lazy way out with the ready-to-spray 3-in-1 so I didn't have to mix the CJDB up...that's counts as doing something kind of right, doesn't it? :lol:
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By andynorth
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MikeB wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 1:41 am
andynorth wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 12:07 am I do not have the Bayer 3 in 1 but I do have Captain Jacks and Neem Oil.
BioAdvanced 3-In-1 Insect, Disease and Mite Control, Ready-to-Use, 24 oz

In my last battle with mealy bugs, I had to hose the plant down 3 times to finally wipe them out. Fortunately, Sarracenia tolerate 3-in-1 well.
So would it be wise to have some Orthene on hand also? If so, which version? The Savage Garden recommends it but the link they provide is no longer active as the folks retired. Thank you
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By Intheswamp
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Man, if the regular Orthene smells anything like their fire ant poison I wouldn't want it near me. Just sayin'...
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By MikeB
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andynorth wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 5:33 pm So would it be wise to have some Orthene on hand also? If so, which version? The Savage Garden recommends it but the link they provide is no longer active as the folks retired. Thank you
3-in-1 has always worked for me, even if it took 2-3 heavy sprays to knock out all of the mealy bugs.
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