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By Anzenix
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Anzenix here, I am new-ish?... I introduced myself a few years back in the forums here because I have always been interested in these wonderful plants but for one reason or another I was not able to move forward.. until now. I don't have a lot of experience except the occasional purchase of Home Depot's Flytrap that always seem to die. Except for one, the last one I had, made it so far that it flowered. Few years later, I bought some plants during a reptile expo I went to this last weekend. So here I am, and this is what I got. These are Sarracenias, unknow hybrid mix.. they looked awesome and I went for it. Also got some seeds and another plant whose picture I'll add later. I have no idea what I am doing, was just told to put them outside in the sun and put it in distilled water. (I got most of them for free due to them already starting to dry out)

My goal is to one day have a small field of them.. incidentally... I have a new dog, and all the flies go bonkers and gather by the many... great time for me to get these plants lol
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20231017_121453.jpg (2.82 MiB) Viewed 1297 times
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By Anzenix
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Here is an update on what I got going.

Seeds I'm planning on working with this coming Spring 2024:

(Purchased from FlyTrapKing)

S. "Saurus" x "Legacy"
S. "White Scorpion" x "Purple Lips"
S. "Elvis Wilkerson" x "Leviathan"
S. "Dragon Queen" x "Caitrin Claire"
S. "Leah Wilkerson" x "Royal Ruby"
S. "Leah Wilkerson" x "Yellow Hornet"
S. "Megalodon" x "Waccamaw"
S. "Liberty" x "Prometheus"
S. leucophylla "Hurricane Creek White" (clone F) x "Simone"
S. leucophylla "Hurricane Creek White" (clone D x clone F)
S. "Royal Ruby" x readii "PF" ('The Kraken' maker)
S. leucophylla "Albino"

(Purchased from Steve Galic, as a seed mix packet)
RedRocketSeedPack.PNG (60.29 KiB) Viewed 1168 times

(Obtained from Seed Bank)

S. flava var rubricorpora
D. intermedia
N. [(ventricosa x sibuyanesis) x (talangensis x aristolochiodes)] x ventricosa "Red"

Plants in my current possession:

S. Unknown Hybrid (x6)
N. Unknown Hybrid (x2)

I also aquired some plants recently and will update when I get them!
Last edited by Anzenix on Wed Nov 22, 2023 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Anzenix
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Update: 11/09 - Purchased some plants and will be receiving them in the next few days...

Plants in my current possession:

(Purchased from Steve Galic)

S. Unknown Hybrid (x6)
N. Unknown Hybrid (x2)

(Purchased from Michael Wang)

S. leucophylla "Pink and White" Baldwin Co, AL
S. alata lemon yellow x HCW F
S. x Umlauftiana
S. lamentations
S. Alucard "select"
S. leucophylla "Neon Pink" Baldwin Co, AL

(Purchased from California Carnivores)

S. Unknown Species/Hybrid [Bare root rhizomes] (x5)
I look forward to seeing what I get!

(I may have overdone it slightly... pray for these plants)
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By Anzenix
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Update: 11/12 - Plants arrived safely and ended up getting an extra three plants thrown in for free!

S. leuco burgundy x minor giant pink clone
S. oreophila "Purple Throat" (MK017)
S. flava var. rubricorpora (Dark #3 x Dark #2) Liberty Co, FL

I look forward to posting some pictures of these plants once they start coming out a little more!
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By Anzenix
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Update: 11/22/23 – I need to update my list with a few additional plants I received and also I need to fix some of the names. I failed to differentiate between a ‘Cultivar’ and “Unofficial Name”, but some may still be wrong. I tried my best to make the distinction but if you see any mistakes, please let me know.

Plants in my current possession:

(Purchased from Steve Galic)

S. Unknown Hybrid (x6)
N. Unknown Hybrid (x2)

(Purchased from California Carnivores)

S. Unknown Species/Hybrid [random bare root rhizomes] (x5)

(Purchased from Michael Wang)

S. leucophylla “Pink and White” [Baldwin Co., AL]
S. alata lemon yellow [Sam Rayburn Reservoir] x ‘Hurricane White Creek’ (clone F)
S. x umlauftiana
S. x ‘Lamentations’
S. x ‘Alucard’ (select)
S. leucophylla “Neon Pink” [Baldwin Co., AL]
S. leuco (‘Burgundy’ x minor giant) “Pink Clone”
S. oreophila "Purple Throat" (MK017)
S. flava var. rubricorpora (Dark #3 x Dark #2) [Liberty Co., FL]
S. ‘Reptilian Rose’
S. leucophylla var. alba “Original Chameleon” [Baldwin Co., AL]
S. rubra subsp. viatorum (Ancestral) [Peach Co., GA]

Seeds I'm planning on working with this coming Spring 2024:

(Purchased from FlyTrapKing)

S. ‘Saurus’ x ‘Legacy’
S. "White Scorpion" x "Purple Lips"
S. "Elvis Wilkerson" x ‘Leviathan’
S. ‘Dragon Queen’ x ‘Caitrin Claire’
S. ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Royal Ruby’
S. ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Yellow Hornet’
S. "Megalodon" x ‘Waccamaw’
S. leucophylla "Liberty" x "Prometheus"
S. leucophylla ‘Hurricane Creek White’ (clone F) x ‘Simone’ *Not sure if this Simone is a cultivar*
S. leucophylla 'Hurricane Creek White' (clone D x clone F)
S. 'Royal Ruby' x readii "PF" ('The Kraken' maker)
S. leucophylla "Albino"

(Obtained from Seed Bank)

S. flava var rubricorpora
S. 'Leah Wilkerson' x 'Judith Hindle'
S. 'Lunchbox' OP
D. intermedia
D. finlaysoniana
N. [(ventricosa x sibuyanesis) x (talangensis x aristolochiodes)] x ventricosa "Red"

(Purchased from Steve Galic, as a seed mix packet)

S. Bud Wilkerson Bog A1 x Wilkersons Red Rocket
S. vigorous outstanding [Washington Co., AL] x Wilkerson Red Rocket
S. Rods Fave x Wilkerson Red Rocket
S. Leuco Dick Chan x Wilkerson Red Rocket
S. Giant Autum Pitchers ex. C. K. x Wilkerson Red Rocket
S. RED (AxB) select clone [Franklin Co., FL] x Wilkerson Red Rocket
S. Dark Red [Convington Co., AL] x Wilkerson Red Rocket
S. 'Hurricane Creek White' (Clone A) x Wilkerson Red Rocket

My Wishlist:
*Still updating, there are just too many!*

S. 'Leah Wilkerson'
S. 'Dragon Queen'
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By andynorth
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Now see, you have way more plants than I do so I am playing catch up (ketchup, for those that know). I have failed to keep trackof where I got each of mine. I could probably go through and figure it out but at my age, I have too many other fires to put out and I am lucky I started a spreadsheet when I did or I would be really quite lost. :D
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By Anzenix
Posts:  163
Joined:  Wed May 12, 2021 11:28 pm
@andynorth, No way, you have got more for sure. Mine are mostly Sarrs and you got plenty of variety. I still need to work on adding pictures to mine but I'm probably going to let them reach their colors first and post those up. Right now they all look green and brown lol
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