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By Huntsmanshorn
Posts:  1011
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Hi all,

I recently checked my pot of what I thought was D. anglica (Sunava Mtns., Southern Bohemia, Czech Republic) that I got from the seed bank, and low and behold, although there was no anglica in the pot, there was something else. Does anybody that received that same type of seed from the seed bank have any idea what the "something else" is? They are too young to id yet, I'm just wondering if anyone has grown them up big enough to be able to tell what they are or at least has a good guess.
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By MikeB
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Let me ask the obvious question: If they're too young to ID, then how can you tell they're not Drosera anglica seedlings?
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By Huntsmanshorn
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MikeB wrote: Thu May 25, 2023 1:43 am Let me ask the obvious question: If they're too young to ID, then how can you tell they're not Drosera anglica seedlings?
Well, although I am not familiar with all types of seedling, I am quite familiar anglica seedlings, and these are not those.
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By Intheswamp
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Well, are they at least....sundews?
By Huntsmanshorn
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Nope, not sundews. I still have some hope that maybe some dews will come up eventually but none so far.
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By Intheswamp
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Could've it been something possibly in the grow mix? I was introduced to the wonderful plant called bittercress the other day...right beside a tray of live sphagnum. :evil: :x
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By Huntsmanshorn
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Intheswamp wrote: Thu May 25, 2023 5:50 am Could've it been something possibly in the grow mix? I was introduced to the wonderful plant called bittercress the other day...right beside a tray of live sphagnum. :evil: :x
While not impossible, it seems unlikely, since the mystery plants have not come up in any of the other pots I used the mix in.
By Huntsmanshorn
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Panman wrote: Thu May 25, 2023 12:38 pm Do you want to share a picture?
I haven't checked on them in a while if they have grown a bit I'll see what I can do.
By Huntsmanshorn
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Here are a couple of pics to hopefully help sort things out. Looks like my little ones are growing up (a bit).
IMG_0093.JPG (3.13 MiB) Viewed 3107 times
IMG_0097.JPG (2.67 MiB) Viewed 3107 times
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By Panman
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Interesting. Those seed were originally from Hollyhock, so I can't imagine that she sent in noncarnivorous plant seeds. Maybe they were swapped at birth.
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By andynorth
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Things that make you go hmmmmm. Would love to know what they are.
By Huntsmanshorn
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Me too, so I transplanted a few into a larger pot to hopefully (and more conveniently) find out what's what. If I ever find out I'll be sure to update.

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