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By BxndiTSold
Posts:  197
Joined:  Thu Aug 25, 2022 12:20 am
Here’s whT the end result with the zipties and wire shelf is! I couldn’t get the lights to stay completely straight whcih was frustrating but other the then that the height and everything looks good!
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By Intheswamp
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They like a wetter grow mix than what flytraps like. They like bright light but can deal with less than what flytraps need. So, if the light is good enough for flytraps it’s good enough for sundews. I actually like sundews a little more than flytraps. :)
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By Intheswamp
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Less, a 1:1 mix of peat/perlite or either some LFSM works well for them. Sundews usually like it a good bit wetter than flytraps. ;) They're actually easier to keep than flytraps, or so it seems to me. They're also easier to propagate and make more plants via leaf-cuttings. Just remember, if you get some seeds sprinkle them on top of a thin layer of some finely chopped up LFSM or sifted peat moss (no perlite) that's spread over the top of the growing medium. The seeds are tiny-tiny-tiny and you don't want them falling into a crack or crevice where they'll probably die. On the top, uncovered. Make sure the growing medium is good and moist. Once the seeds are planted *lightly* mist them. Use distilled water. After you have them planted and misted loosely cover them or place the pots in a plastic bag (vented with a few holes in it) to maintain a high humidity level. The covering or "bagging" isn't absolutely necessary but it seems to help me. Put the pot some place in the 70-85 degree range and have some patience. ;) Some seeds require stratification (a period of moist cool time)....capes don't require it, though.
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By evenwind
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BxndiTSold wrote: Fri Mar 24, 2023 4:08 pm I am gonna get some seeds from the seed bank later today! I never grown from seed and I have always thought that would be better to do !
I'd recommend the "mixed drosera" for an absolute beginner. There's lots of room there for success.
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By BxndiTSold
Posts:  197
Joined:  Thu Aug 25, 2022 12:20 am
little update on that flytrap I was concerned about! I don’t think that it’s gotten any worse from what i can tell! Irs pushing out a lot od new growth like 4 or 5 at a time right now! And the new growth has some red on it as you can see in the pictures, I downloaded that app you recommended to measure my light, at the distance they are af now they’re receiving jsut about 55 DLI (according to my phone camera) and about 800 ppfd? They’re about 8-10 inches away so I’m not sure how that is possible though! But anyways here what they look like, you also see my newest addition 🤣
image.jpg (2.54 MiB) Viewed 1509 times
image.jpg (2.25 MiB) Viewed 1509 times
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By BxndiTSold
Posts:  197
Joined:  Thu Aug 25, 2022 12:20 am
So after some back and fourth in my own head I was wondering if maybe raising them up to 6 inches instead would be better, because for flytraps at least better light intensity=more vigorous growth and more colorful traps, and since in basicallt cutting the distance in half its quadrupling the light intensity, i didnt know I needed a diffuser(printer paper) to use the app correctly on iPhones though🤣 I’ll measure it tonight with the app at 6 inches and see what it says, but peopek are saying that rney shoudlnt get more then like 400 ppfd? And 20 dli? Is this accurate at all? But anyways I just wanna see if 6inches would be too close or maybe just right, you can barely feel some heat come off the light but it’s not anything crazy like it was at 2 inches
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