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By Intheswamp
Posts:  3497
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That looks pretty good! I would imagine the base of the lamp is pretty heavy but make sure the bulb isn't so heavy that it could tip over the lamp. I imagine you've already checked that, though...just "OCD-Me" talking. :mrgreen:
By BxndiTSold
Posts:  197
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So I’m looking for something to keep my CPs on and the grow lights since chairs and the table isn’t exactly ideal, problem is I need a way to not only put the plants on the tbake but also the lamps and im not sure what to get or do, i been looking online for whatever to use and so far I have found nothing appealing, people here have been doing this a lotttl longer then I have so does anyone have any ideas or things they have done that they can show me? Im open to anything
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By Intheswamp
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The kind of lamps you have is kind of tough for me to work with. I'm more a shop light or panel light guy. You know what you want it to look like and your budget. There are wire shelves that lots of people use that work well, but most are incorporating the previously mentioned types of lights. Something like this wire shelf unit at Walmart might work. The bases of your lamps would eat up half the top shelf space though and it would be difficult to bend them close enough to hover over the center of the shelf. You *might* could rig something up where the lamps posts (that go into the bases) go inside the corner posts of the shelf unit...but that would half to be of your fabricating.

You've got to have space above your shelving to hang/fasten whatever type of light that you're using. You could always fasten an extension post to each back corner of the wire shelf unit and use clamp lamps...but then you have the weight issue. Look through the forum at what others are using. To use your existing lamps I would almost say you need a wider shelf unit than the one I linked to and their use would be limited to the top shelf. Panels or shoplights could fit on the lower shelf.

You know your budget, what you want it to look like, but hopefully the shelf above will give you some ideas. Best wishes.
By BxndiTSold
Posts:  197
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So after a lot of looking, I think I figured out something that might work? A wire shelf like you said, this one’s different, and what I’ll do is take the lamps off the bases, and either zipties them to the corner of the shelf, or fasten them some other way? The shelves are adjustable, so I could raise or lower them to meet my needs! Thoughts?
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By Intheswamp
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I don't know anything about the Target version, though I have dealt with the Walmart versions which are solid. You can do as you mentioned...and ziptie the lamps to the sides. If you go the shoplight route I would recommend that you go with the wider version of shelf, if you have the room for it. That way you can use the longer 48" shop lights...they're usually actually cheaper than the 24" versions. Or, you could go with some of the panel lights like the Yescom 225 White.
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By Intheswamp
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Well, they're probably not the *best* light, but usable. I haven't tried to attach one, but zipties or wires come to mind...raise the plants themselves to adjust distance to the light. There are better quality and brighter panel lights but they're also more $$$.
By BxndiTSold
Posts:  197
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I’ll try what I said i was gonna do and experiment with that a little and see if I can ziptie it to the corner posts, I had to get a shelf regardless because I can’t keep keeping them where they are but we will see what happens! Never know till you try it!
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By Dan V
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At two inches your plants are recieving more than 2000 ppfd and around 115 "DLI" - 20 to 35 DLI is recommended - Yikes
I just measured the par on my 36 watt Sansi bulb - 10 inches above the plants should give you a "DLI"
above 20 for a 16 hour day as the bulb at that distance produces around 400 ppfd.
I actually measured 435 ppfd but I have a large shade which helps reflect more light than an exposed bulb so I subtracted 35 from my reading on my MQ-500 which was calibrated four months ago.
My Sansi hanging shade
My Sansi hanging shade
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By Dan V
Posts:  238
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BxndiTSold wrote:Oaky so what you’re saying is that I can keep them around 10 -12 inches and should still get more then enough light?
Yes, actually 8 t0 10" is better than 10 to 12"

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