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Moderator: Matt

Posts:  92
Joined:  Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:57 pm
Flowering sized division. May look a little rough. Shipping will be covered. USA only.

Weather permitting, the winner will be determined on March 13th, 2023.
Usual format:
Feel free to comment your favorite or top 3 to 7ish Venus flytrap cultivars that you grow.
1. Jay - Alien
2. Kai - B52, DC XL, Big mouth... heck anything big.
3. Etc...

More to come.... :)
Last edited by WONE on Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By wcrosman
Posts:  471
Joined:  Thu Apr 14, 2022 2:03 am
1. Andrew42x89 - Lowe’s Special
2.-Stanley- - Wine Mouth
3. wcrosman walmart special
By Sundews69
Posts:  2388
Joined:  Fri Dec 03, 2021 5:57 pm
1. Andrew42x89 - Lowe’s Special
2.-Stanley- - Wine Mouth
3. wcrosman walmart special
4. Sundews69 - Wine Mouth, Jaws Smiley
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By ChefDean
Posts:  9432
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
1. Andrew42x89 - Lowe’s Special
2.-Stanley- - Wine Mouth
3. wcrosman walmart special
4. Sundews69 - Wine Mouth, Jaws Smiley
5. StaatS+17+ Alien
6. ChefDean - They're all so dear to me in their own, individual way. I can't pick a favorite.
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By sans
Posts:  421
Joined:  Mon Jan 16, 2023 10:39 pm
1. Andrew42x89 - Lowe’s Special
2.-Stanley- - Wine Mouth
3. wcrosman walmart special
4. Sundews69 - Wine Mouth, Jaws Smiley
5. StaatS+17+ Alien
6. ChefDean - They're all so dear to me in their own, individual way. I can't pick a favorite
7. sans - mostly anything special really
By hollyhock
Posts:  5657
Joined:  Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:56 am
1. Andrew42x89 - Lowe’s Special
2.-Stanley- - Wine Mouth
3. wcrosman walmart special
4. Sundews69 - Wine Mouth, Jaws Smiley
5. StaatS+17+ Alien
6. ChefDean - They're all so dear to me in their own, individual way. I can't pick a favorite
7. sans - mostly anything special really
8.hollyhock galaxy
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By Garden_Nymph
Posts:  673
Joined:  Wed Oct 06, 2021 3:45 pm
1. Andrew42x89 - Lowe’s Special
2.-Stanley- - Wine Mouth
3. wcrosman walmart special
4. Sundews69 - Wine Mouth, Jaws Smiley
5. StaatS+17+ Alien
6. ChefDean - They're all so dear to me in their own, individual way. I can't pick a favorite
7. sans - mostly anything special really
8.hollyhock galaxy
9. Garden_Nymph Only have one so far, My baby DC XL
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By Camden
Posts:  1717
Joined:  Mon May 23, 2022 9:25 pm
1. Andrew42x89 - Lowe’s Special
2.-Stanley- - Wine Mouth
3. wcrosman walmart special
4. Sundews69 - Wine Mouth, Jaws Smiley
5. StaatS+17+ Alien
6. ChefDean - They're all so dear to me in their own, individual way. I can't pick a favorite
7. sans - mostly anything special really
8.hollyhock galaxy
9. Garden_Nymph Only have one so far, My baby DC XL
10. Camden- How is this at 10 already!? lol
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By Carnies
Posts:  1380
Joined:  Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:48 pm
1. Andrew42x89 - Lowe’s Special
2.-Stanley- - Wine Mouth
3. wcrosman walmart special
4. Sundews69 - Wine Mouth, Jaws Smiley
5. StaatS+17+ Alien
6. ChefDean - They're all so dear to me in their own, individual way. I can't pick a favorite
7. sans - mostly anything special really
8.hollyhock galaxy
9. Garden_Nymph Only have one so far, My baby DC XL
10. Camden- How is this at 10 already!? lol
11. Carnies - Carboni Ardenti and Dingley Giant
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By Blackfeather666
Posts:  235
Joined:  Thu Mar 31, 2022 12:17 am
1. Andrew42x89 - Lowe’s Special
2.-Stanley- - Wine Mouth
3. wcrosman walmart special
4. Sundews69 - Wine Mouth, Jaws Smiley
5. StaatS+17+ Alien
6. ChefDean - They're all so dear to me in their own, individual way. I can't pick a favorite
7. sans - mostly anything special really
8.hollyhock galaxy
9. Garden_Nymph Only have one so far, My baby DC XL
10. Camden- How is this at 10 already!? lol
11. Carnies - Carboni Ardenti and Dingley Giant
12. Blackfeather666-fused tooth
By schmeg
Posts:  302
Joined:  Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:07 pm
1. Andrew42x89 - Lowe’s Special
2.-Stanley- - Wine Mouth
3. wcrosman walmart special
4. Sundews69 - Wine Mouth, Jaws Smiley
5. StaatS+17+ Alien
6. ChefDean - They're all so dear to me in their own, individual way. I can't pick a favorite
7. sans - mostly anything special really
8.hollyhock galaxy
9. Garden_Nymph Only have one so far, My baby DC XL
10. Camden- How is this at 10 already!? lol
11. Carnies - Carboni Ardenti and Dingley Giant
12. Blackfeather666-fused tooth
13. schmeg: It would be Maroon Monster if I win this giveaway.
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