FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Discussions about anything related to Venus Flytraps, cultivars and named clones

Moderator: Matt

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By Shadowtski
Posts:  4724
Joined:  Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:19 am
Sorry, it is not.
Where did you get those seeds? eBay? Etsy?
Chia seeds are known for their gel production, along with Dragonfruit and Basil; these seeds are commonly sold as Dionaea muscipula seeds by scammers.
Matt sells real FlyTrap seeds at his online store as well as hosting this Forum:

Mike T.
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By ChefDean
Posts:  9426
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
Sorry, you got taken. It has happened to many of us, and it sucks. Hopefully you didn't pay you much for them, I only paid $2 when I fell for the Blue Venus Flytrap seeds myself.
Like Shadowtski said ^^^^, you can buy 100% legit flytrap seeds from the store in the drop down menu ( Or, another option, request some from the seed bank when you become eligible.
Pros and cons?
Seeds from the seed bank are older, but they'll only cost you two stamps (seeds themselves are free, you pay shipping by sending a SASE).
Seeds from will be fresher, but will cost you more.
By schmeg
Posts:  302
Joined:  Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:07 pm
Real flytrap seeds are shiny black with a rounded end and a conical point on the other end. Pictures are here: ... fly-traps/

The Flytrap Store also sells 25 baby plants for $25 plus a little shipping. This is a GREAT way to start a VFT collection, as these plants are already a couple of months old. And I've gotten many more than 25 plants when I ordered. These are not always stocked in the online store, but today (25 Feb 2023) they are: ... 25-dollars

If you do sow seeds again, give each seed an inch or two spacing from each other. Each new plant will need room to grow.
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By Intheswamp
Posts:  3460
Joined:  Wed May 04, 2022 2:28 pm
Are you talking about the white globs? I first thought that was ill-scattered quartz rocks or maybe perlite. If that's the seeds, yep, it's a "no go".

The Flytrap Store's seeds will be good if you want to start from seeds. Seeds are *sllloooooowwwwwww". It might cost a bit more, but can carve a *lot* of time off your growing if you purchased the 25-lot of baby flytraps, no doubt.

If you're "set" on starting from seeds I suggest something. While the seeds are germinating go by Lowes or Walmart or somewhere and buy a $7-$8 flytrap in a death-cube. Shop around...when they first get them they are healthy but the longer they stay on the shelf being tortured by the store employees the worse they begin to look. Having a larger, growing specimen will keep your interest going while the smaller babies germinate and start to grow. Flytrap growth can be kinda...boring. ;)

While you're at it, request some sundew seeds from the seed bank. I recommend some D. capensis of some flavor. There's also a "bonus" you can request. The cost is a SASE mailed to @Chef...he runs the, two stamps and two envelopes gets you some sundew seeds! :D They start out tiny like flytraps do, but they tend to grow a bit you get like 30-50 seeds per packet. Do a little research on how to grow them and BAM!!!'ve got a forest of little snot-covered carnivorous plants. I tend to like sundews more than I do flytraps. ;)

And, while I'm at it....WELCOME TO THE FORUM!!!!!! (It's actually an E-Mental Health organization but don't tell anyone, it's a secret!!! 8-) ).
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