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By ChefDean
Posts:  9426
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
I think it's a good time of year to get some temperate seeds out in the hands of the people. Well, in this case, one person. Up for grabs is a pack of assorted Sarracenia seeds.
I will take three seeds from eight different packs of Sarracenia seeds (four of which are currently listed, four will be listed on November 1st) for a total of 24 seeds. But I won't tell you which ones, you'll have to grow them up to find out. Some will be obvious, others not so much. Sounds fun right?!?!
Open to all addresses, including international, and I will cover postage in a standard #10 envelope with a bubble wrap taco. If you prefer them to be mailed in a box, that postage will be on the winner.
Drawing in a week or so, as long as I don't forget about it.
This is a giveaway, and doesn't count as a seed bank request. The winner will still be eligible to request in November.
Standard format:
1. The loneliest number
2. Can be as bad as one
3. Allowed this time as there will be three seeds from each pack

Aaaaand go!
Panman, Shadowtski, John W liked this
By Sundews69
Posts:  2388
Joined:  Fri Dec 03, 2021 5:57 pm
1. Cclinton23- Wooooooo!
2. Camden M - one taco I won’t be eating
3. Sundews69 - this'll be fun!
By stickgirl
Posts:  42
Joined:  Tue Sep 13, 2022 4:45 am
1. Cclinton23- Wooooooo!
2. Camden M - one taco I won’t be eating
3. Sundews69 - this'll be fun!
4. Stickgirl - mystery!
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By Garden_Nymph
Posts:  672
Joined:  Wed Oct 06, 2021 3:45 pm
1. Cclinton23- Wooooooo!
2. Camden M - one taco I won’t be eating
3. Sundews69 - this'll be fun!
4. Stickgirl - mystery!
5. Garden_Nymph - How exciting!
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By _-SphagnumFromHell-_
Posts:  702
Joined:  Mon May 28, 2018 5:02 pm
1. Cclinton23- Wooooooo!
2. Camden M - one taco I won’t be eating
3. Sundews69 - this'll be fun!
4. Stickgirl - mystery!
5. Garden_Nymph - How exciting!
6. SphagnumFromHell - thanks!
By Dan V
Posts:  232
Joined:  Tue Oct 26, 2021 4:32 am
1. Cclinton23- Wooooooo!
2. Camden M - one taco I won’t be eating
3. Sundews69 - this'll be fun!
4. Stickgirl - mystery!
5. Garden_Nymph - How exciting!
6. SphagnumFromHell - thanks!
7. Dan V - Good Idea!!!
By Thack
Posts:  43
Joined:  Wed Jul 27, 2022 11:47 pm
1. Cclinton23- Wooooooo!
2. Camden M - one taco I won’t be eating
3. Sundews69 - this'll be fun!
4. Stickgirl - mystery!
5. Garden_Nymph - How exciting!
6. SphagnumFromHell - thanks!
7. Dan V - Good Idea!!!
8. Thack
By nycredneck
Posts:  133
Joined:  Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:29 pm
1. Cclinton23- Wooooooo!
2. Camden M - one taco I won’t be eating
3. Sundews69 - this'll be fun!
4. Stickgirl - mystery!
5. Garden_Nymph - How exciting!
6. SphagnumFromHell - thanks!
7. Dan V - Good Idea!!!
8. Thack
9. NYCREDNECK love Sarrs
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By -Stanley-
Posts:  856
Joined:  Tue Nov 16, 2021 1:23 am
1. Cclinton23- Wooooooo!
2. Camden M - one taco I won’t be eating
3. Sundews69 - this'll be fun!
4. Stickgirl - mystery!
5. Garden_Nymph - How exciting!
6. SphagnumFromHell - thanks!
7. Dan V - Good Idea!!!
8. Thack
9. NYCREDNECK love Sarrs
10. Stanley
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By ChefDean
Posts:  9426
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
Well, it's time. Since there are ten entrants, I chose to use my daughters ten-sided dice to choose. She can't just roll dice like a normal human, she had to have this thingy 3-D printed.
20221104_153757.jpg (3.06 MiB) Viewed 1700 times
As you might be able to tell from that pic, the winner is...
20221104_153802.jpg (3.44 MiB) Viewed 1700 times
Shoot me an address and I'll get these sent out to you.

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