FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

Moderator: Matt

By GgPaolini
Posts:  1
Joined:  Wed Sep 07, 2022 9:42 am
Hi, it's the beginning of September and my vft started to flower. I bought it like a month ago and I think it started to flower because of the unusual sun it has been receiving, but the autumn is coming and after that winter and where I live it's gonna start to rain a lot, the Temperatures won't go below 0(or even approach). So, my question is: I want to try doing flower stalk propagation and because of this idk if it can withstand the rain(that may cause it to flood sometimes or maybe move the flower stalk from its original spot). Should I place the vase outside(I can give it a little bit of protection but not too much) or in a southeast facing window? Is the light that a flower stalk gets a major factor in doing this method successfully?
By davinstewart
Posts:  344
Joined:  Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:29 pm
I reccommend cutting the flower stalk into 1" pieces and planting them vertically to a depth of no more than 1/2" into 1:1 peat and fine perlite. Then place them under articial lighting with a DLI of around 15, use a humidity dome or plastic bag to keep the humidity high, and keep the soil wetter than usual until you see the young plantlets.

Using this method I've been able to get about a 20% strike rating on my flower stalk cuttings and documented my progress this year in this thread.

I'd keep them out of direct sun since that can quickly overheat the cuttings especially if they're in an enclosed space.

You may also want to spray with a fungicide right up front since I've frequently had problems with grey mould. I haven't tried this myself yet so can't speak to the details but will be giving it a shot next spring.

Alternatively, you could just go with the #yolo approach and just stick them in the same pot with the mother plant, keep the soil nice and moist, and put them in full sun. I've honestly had luck with that approach as well although it's been much less reliable.

Hope that helps!
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