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Discuss water requirements, "soil" (growing media) and suitable planting containers

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By Relyt4
Posts:  12
Joined:  Mon May 16, 2022 12:20 am
Just put together this water table, I got some pond liner I'm going to put staples around the top. Do I need to put any adhesive down to keep the liner in place?
Is it common to add drains? If so what's a good way to add a drain while keeping the liner water tight
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By davinstewart
Posts:  344
Joined:  Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:29 pm
Nice table. The common practice is the just leave the water stagnant without a drain.

However, I'd strongly advise looking into making an ebb and flow table. You're almost there already and It'll help your plants grow even better. The only changes you'd need would be to add a water reservoir (plastic trash cans work very well for this), water pump, and intake + overflow pipes. You can get all of that pretty cheaply on amazon.
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By davinstewart
Posts:  344
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I'd steer clear of the adhesive since you shouldn't need it once the plants are in place.

Using adhesive would also make things more difficult to work with if the liner ever needs replacing or repair.
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By optique
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looks pretty good, but i have a suggestion why you are still working on it. Add 2 more leg braces spaced to create a shelf for 1020 treys. Could come in handy if nothing else a great place to grow live sphagnum.
By Relyt4
Posts:  12
Joined:  Mon May 16, 2022 12:20 am
The tray shelf is also a great idea! I'm going to go with the ebb and flow idea, going to use the bottom area and put a tote to use as a water reservoir
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By NightRaider
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Interested to hear how this turns out since I'll probably need to build one within the next year, especially the ebb and flow system since that sounds like it could be beneficial for darlingtonia.
By davinstewart
Posts:  344
Joined:  Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:29 pm
Be mindful that your typical rectangular tub will break if filled with water. You might look into round containers like trash cans (my choice of preference).

Also, don't underestimate the weight of the water in the reservoir. You will likely need some additional support if you're thinking of putting it on that tray under the plants.
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