FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Freebies, raffles, etc. for plants or growing supplies

Moderator: Matt

By twitcher
Posts:  656
Joined:  Sat Aug 25, 2018 5:56 am
Both me and my typical capensis were misbehaving. It decided to reproduce while I wasn't paying attention, so I had to clean up (read transplant) some extra plants from my other pots. Capensis was claim jumping and that was bothering my OCD. So now I have extra "typical" capensis. They are from 1-3" tall. And they are taking up space I'd rather give my capensis "Bains Kloof" or my Pinguicula.

My mistake is to your benefit. If you want one, I'm offering them in a giveaway, one per winner. I figure that there are members out there who may want to try a drosera, are new or just want to expand their collection. Just to add interest, I'll include one of my no-id spatulata/tokiensis complex as well. This was my first sundew and I have way too many of them. Also, I'll look around my collection when packing and see if there is an extra plant of a third variety to include. If you win, you get two plants and maybe a third depending on availability.

You must be a member, must pay an estimated $4.00 postage and must agree to maintain the caveat (no exact id) regarding the name of the spatulata/tokiensis (I'm fussy about names) if you pass it on. You cannot win multiple times

Sign up will be the typical giveaway list. I will make multiple drawings while supplies and time permit, over a few weeks so that I don't get overwhelmed with packing plants. Because of that, you can continue to signup on the list until I stop the giveaway. That way, members that are not here daily can get a shot at them. You cannot win more than once.

twitcher, twitcher, twitcher liked this
By twitcher
Posts:  656
Joined:  Sat Aug 25, 2018 5:56 am
chomato, thanks for fixing the list.

BTW, only US please.
By twitcher
Posts:  656
Joined:  Sat Aug 25, 2018 5:56 am
And the winner is:

4. chromato

I'll PM you shortly.

Thanks to all for playing, thought there would be more interest though.
capensisCapture.JPG (15.22 KiB) Viewed 3177 times
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