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Moderator: Matt

By Eric Millikin
Posts:  161
Joined:  Sat May 03, 2014 5:17 pm
Those are awesome! I'd seen them on European web sites -- great to see someone growing them in the U.S.

Am I seeing that right, that the fuzzy pom-pom is on what would be the outside of the trap? Or are they on what would be the inside of the trap? Or is it such a mutant that our primitive concepts of normal inside/outside flytrap anatomy do not even apply?
By ThomasL
Posts:  126
Joined:  Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:05 pm
Hello Matt

Very unique and interested plant. It Looks like someonce for my wishlist.
I have some experience with These traps on my owne plant.

Bye Thomas
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By Matt
Posts:  22524
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
Eric Millikin wrote:Am I seeing that right, that the fuzzy pom-pom is on what would be the outside of the trap?
That's what I see as well. Looks like the fuzziness happens on what would be the outside of the trap.
Eric Millikin wrote:Or is it such a mutant that our primitive concepts of normal inside/outside flytrap anatomy do not even apply?
I've wondered the same thing. One the fuzzy traps, it does seem like they are making something entirely structurally different than a normal trap, so perhaps the idea, as we know it, of normal inside/outside flytrap anatomy does not even apply.
ThomasL wrote:It Looks like someonce for my wishlist.
It was on my for 6 years! I'm so glad to finally get one and hopefully get it propagated to share with anyone who might want to grow this curious and interesting and unique flytrap!
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By Matt
Posts:  22524
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
A few photos that I took today (April 30, 2022). I still very much enjoy growing this freaky little flytrap even though it isn't the most stable cultivar. It tends to revert to a typical looking flytrap after growing a couple of years but it seems like the smaller divisions do make the pom pom traps fairly reliably. And, for whatever reason, it seems to be more stable for me in our Missouri climate than it was in Oregon.
Cheerleader Venus flytrap
Cheerleader Venus flytrap
Cheerleader1.JPG (987.82 KiB) Viewed 1658 times
Cheerleader Venus flytrap
Cheerleader Venus flytrap
Cheerleader2.JPG (891.44 KiB) Viewed 1658 times
Panman, MikeB, TrapsAndDews liked this

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