FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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By Anne58
Posts:  46
Joined:  Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:42 pm
Although feeding of carnivorous plants isn't really required, I thought I might share the method I use for 'creating' food for them.

Flies are difficult to catch but their larvae are pretty easy to come by. At some point in the week we are all likely to have some meat scraps left over from our meals (except for the vegans, of course). Flies just love rotting protein and readily lay their eggs on it.

I usually leave a few meat scraps (raw is best), fat (best raw), meat, or bones with a little meat on it, outside in a shallow container. Try to keep it out of the direct sun, the larvae prefer moist conditions, but if necessary you could put some wet dirt or potting mix in the container then the scraps on top. This will provide a moist area on the bottom of the scraps for the larvae. In a couple of days you should see little white maggots crawling around on your scraps. The little ones are great if you want to feed small VFT, or wait a few days for them to grow and you'll have larger ones for the bigger traps. Use tweezers to transfer the larvae to the waiting traps, pitchers, or what-ever.

Remember to keep the scraps and or surrounding area moist so the larvae don't dehydrate.

I know this seems like a gross procedure, but fly larvae are one of Nature's undertakers and were it not for them we could be over run with rotting carcasses. . . . .
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