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By Intheswamp
Posts:  3497
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Ok, I'll thrown my hat, er, thanks into the ring... :D

I've got most all of my plants that I'm thankful for as they've mostly come from people's kind gestures. So, I could claim I'm thankful for all of them. But, I've picked out one that..."might not have been".

Seems elaineo was doing some plant-thinning and offered up some for the asking. Well, I was wanting the noble D. filiformis tracyi and she let me know she didn't have that one, but had a Florida giant. Cool!!! That would do. But, before she shipped it she asked if there was something else. So, she sent a D. binata along with the threadleaf. :D I'm making out like a bandit, I tell ya!!!

So she ships it out to me. It was HOT during that time. Really HOT!!! The plants made it to me a little haggard looking (they really did resemble Merle, no kiddin'!....especially after a rough weekend). When I unboxed the two plants I stuck a thermometer into the root mass and it read around 104F!!!! :shock: But they had survived the cross-continental trip in the scorching heat and I had them chilling in a glass of fresh rainwater!!!! I contacted elaineo to let her know they had made it and she mentioned something about "the tokaiensis". Huh? I didn't pull out but two plants from the box. So before I messaged her back that I didn't get one I figured I better go make sure there wasn't one in the packing material or maybe it fell on the ground. Nope, didn't see it. Then I got the wise idea and grabbed the *empty* box out of the big green can. I peered down inside of it and I see something taped in place!!! I pulled it out and it was a condiment container with a green wad of LFSM in it with a smaller dab of green on top of the moss!!! WHAT???!!!! I opened it up there said a pretty little splat of a plant sitting there purdy as you please! And to top it off, it looked like that grueling cross-continental, heat-stroking, killer of a trip was just a walk around the block fo rit!!! :lol: Naturally, I quickly got it out for some fresh air and sunshine. There was actually three plants in that splash of green! I'm so thankfully for all the kindness folks have shown me here in the forum and I'm so thankful for this little plant and that elaineo put up with my jabbering and when she didn't hear this newbie mention the tokaiensis *she* mentioned it (hey, somebody's gotta look out for me!). Otherwise, things could have ended up much differently! :o I also believe that besides in Georgia, there's electric-fence-chewing going on in California and other places, too!!!! :mrgreen: So, my little Thanksgiving contest entry, though it's grown a good bit since arriving is still on the diminutive side...but, I'll tell's one TOUGH little guy!!!! :D
IMG_6520pp (Custom).jpg
IMG_6520pp (Custom).jpg (565.94 KiB) Viewed 3400 times
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By Sundews69
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Beautiful! Do you know where you got those pots? They seem nice and I'm looking for a good supply of cheap and nice looking plastic pots.
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By Intheswamp
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Sundews69 wrote: Wed Nov 09, 2022 10:01 pm Beautiful! Do you know where you got those pots? They seem nice and I'm looking for a good supply of cheap and nice looking plastic pots.
I bought them off Amazon. They seem durable and fairly rigid. They come with square saucers, FWIW.

The small 2-3/4" pots seem to have sufficient drain holes. The 6" pots only have a round area maybe 2" in diameter in the center of the bottom for drainage...I add additional 1/4" holes in the bottom close to each corner and in the center of each side just above the bottom and they drain nicely.

The ones in the picture are small, something like 2-3/4" square by 3" deep. ... yp_imgToDp

Here are the "6-inch" ones...really 5-3/4" square by 5-3/8" deep. ... tails&th=1
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By Panman
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At the two week mark, we have some terrific entries. Here are the current standings:
Intheswamp 8
Panman 8
Bug_cemetery 7
ChelleB1005 7
-Stanley- 6
Bluefire 6
hollyhock 6
John W 6
slicric78 6
Camden M 5
elaineo 5
plantnerdjules 5
Stratofortress 5
Sundews69 5
Dan V 4
Hang* 4
Kumulugma 4
Supercazzola 4
VFTnPups 4

It is a very close contest and anyone can still win. If you haven't submitted your entry, go ahead and share your photo now. And be sure to go back over all of the photos and vote for your favorites.
By Lain
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Not entering just wanted to apologize to everyone who might have gotten dislikes or multiple like and unlike from me. Completely accidental! I have nothing but thumbs for fingers.

On a side note just wanted to say I'm so thankful for everyone here. Started off with the advice then the addicting seedbank and followed up by the nonstop generosity of everyone here between give aways and great deals. Thanks to everyone here I now have a better idea of what I can grow around here and what I can't. Discovered a few favorites along the way too.
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By Garden_Nymph
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I know it's not the prettiest of pics but I am so grateful to Panman for generously sharing some of his VFTs with me to help me get my CP collection restarted. Unfortunately I lost all but one Sundew due to chems in the soil/perlite mix I have but I was still grateful to him for his generosity and trying to help me save them. Thank you Panman!
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By Panman
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It is still a very close race with just over a week left in our contest. Here are the current standings:
Panman 9
Bug_cemetery 8
Intheswamp 8
ChelleB1005 7
slicric78 7
hollyhock 7
Bluefire 6
Camden M 6
-Stanley- 6
John W 6
plantnerdjules 6
Stratofortress 6
Sundews69 6
elaineo 6
VFTnPups 5
Supercazzola 5
Kumulugma 4
Hang* 4
Dan V 4
Garden_Nymph 4

Your vote is important, so be sure to look through all of our entries and vote for your favorite!
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By DragonsEye
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Meant to post a photo before I headed upstate to spend the Thanksgiving weekend with my folks but forgot, so this humorous one will have to do. (I'm not competing this month anyway, since I won last month.)


I am thankful for all the folks who voted for my entry last month. I was honestly quite surprised I won. The vft arrived safe and sound and is potted up.
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By Panman
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Wow, what a super close contest. We have a 3 way tie for first place and an bunch of people in a close second. Here are the standings:
Panman 9
slicric78 9
Intheswamp 9
ChelleB1005 8
Bug_cemetery 8
-Stanley- 8
hollyhock 8
John W 7
Stratofortress 7
Bluefire 6
Camden M 6
plantnerdjules 6
Sundews69 6
elaineo 6
VFTnPups 5
Supercazzola 5
Kumulugma 5
Hang* 4
Dan V 4
Garden_Nymph 4

Make sure you vote for your favorites!
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By Intheswamp
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Lain wrote: Tue Nov 15, 2022 3:30 pm Not entering just wanted to apologize to everyone who might have gotten dislikes or multiple like and unlike from me. Completely accidental! I have nothing but thumbs for fingers.
I can't say that I'm not guilty of the same snafu. Mine is usually when I see a post I want to "Like" so I click on the "Like" button. Suddenly the momentary tag telling me that I've unliked the post flashes before my eyes for a moment and I realize that I had already liked the post and thus by clicking "Like" again it removes the "like". Naturally when I see that happen I instantly panice and click the button again re-post my "Like". As long as you click the "Like" button an odd number of times I suppose your like is there. I know we can look at the "Likes" listed at the bottom of the post to see who has liked the post previously, but hey, I'm lazy. :mrgreen: It would be nice if the "Like" button would say something like "Like" and "Unlike" according to the command available.

I've had one member "like" my post/entry twice and remove it twice...these competitions can be keen and bloody around here at times, ya know. :lol:
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By -Stanley-
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Intheswamp wrote:
Lain wrote: Tue Nov 15, 2022 3:30 pm Not entering just wanted to apologize to everyone who might have gotten dislikes or multiple like and unlike from me. Completely accidental! I have nothing but thumbs for fingers.
I can't say that I'm not guilty of the same snafu. Mine is usually when I see a post I want to "Like" so I click on the "Like" button. Suddenly the momentary tag telling me that I've unliked the post flashes before my eyes for a moment and I realize that I had already liked the post and thus by clicking "Like" again it removes the "like". Naturally when I see that happen I instantly panice and click the button again re-post my "Like". As long as you click the "Like" button an odd number of times I suppose your like is there. I know we can look at the "Likes" listed at the bottom of the post to see who has liked the post previously, but hey, I'm lazy. :mrgreen: It would be nice if the "Like" button would say something like "Like" and "Unlike" according to the command available.

I've had one member "like" my post/entry twice and remove it twice...these competitions can be keen and bloody around here at times, ya know. :lol:
Sorry about that It was probably me, cant remember which ones I did :lol:
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By Panman
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And we have a winner!
@-Stanley-, congratulations. PM me for details on claiming your prize.

Thank you to everyone for participating. Be sure to keep an eye out for our December Holiday Extravaganza Contest.
Camden, Sundews69, John W liked this
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By Intheswamp
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-Stanley- wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 4:18 pm
Intheswamp wrote:
Lain wrote: Tue Nov 15, 2022 3:30 pm Not entering just wanted to apologize to everyone who might have gotten dislikes or multiple like and unlike from me. Completely accidental! I have nothing but thumbs for fingers.
I can't say that I'm not guilty of the same snafu. Mine is usually when I see a post I want to "Like" so I click on the "Like" button. Suddenly the momentary tag telling me that I've unliked the post flashes before my eyes for a moment and I realize that I had already liked the post and thus by clicking "Like" again it removes the "like". Naturally when I see that happen I instantly panice and click the button again re-post my "Like". As long as you click the "Like" button an odd number of times I suppose your like is there. I know we can look at the "Likes" listed at the bottom of the post to see who has liked the post previously, but hey, I'm lazy. :mrgreen: It would be nice if the "Like" button would say something like "Like" and "Unlike" according to the command available.

I've had one member "like" my post/entry twice and remove it twice...these competitions can be keen and bloody around here at times, ya know. :lol:
Sorry about that It was probably me, cant remember which ones I did :lol:
<chuckle> That last "Like" removal you made last night at 11:20pm kept you and me from tieing up on this. Saves Panman the headache of a tie-breaker!!! :lol: Congratulations!!! :mrgreen:

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