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By Nepenthes0260
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specialkayme wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 6:28 pm
Nepenthes0260 wrote:Thanks! Here we go. From what I’ve seen of this one, it seems to be a lot more vigorous than BE’s clones of this species.
Very nice.
How picky is it on conditions? I know it has a very narrow growing range.
Tbh, it has been a fairly simple plant for me. The largest issue with this one is rot. Last year I nearly lost this plant as rot nearly got all the way down the the meristem. So really good air movement, and a really airy mix, and for good measure I have a net pot. As you can see from the somewhat dry moss, I don’t keep this one wet. It’s a typical HL/UHL plant but hasn’t been too slow for me. Macro is much slower (and villosa too, or so I’ve heard).
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By Nepenthes0260
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thepitchergrower wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 6:30 pm I swear that you have a few thousand plants on your growlist. It just keeps getting longer...
Hopefully it won’t stop expanding anytime soon :twisted: :lol:
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By specialkayme
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Nepenthes0260 wrote: Tbh, it has been a fairly simple plant for me. The largest issue with this one is rot. Last year I nearly lost this plant as rot nearly got all the way down the the meristem. So really good air movement, and a really airy mix, and for good measure I have a net pot. As you can see from the somewhat dry moss, I don’t keep this one wet. It’s a typical HL/UHL plant but hasn’t been too slow for me. Macro is much slower (and villosa too, or so I’ve heard).
Good information. Thanks!
I stare with wide eye'd amusement at diabolica and villosa, but stare from afar. I don't have a highland grow chamber, but have managed to keep two different hamatas (BE-3380 & BE-4044), and a hamata x edwardsiana alive. About a month ago I splurged on an edwardsiana and a villosa x veitchii, and neither of them have died yet.
Maybe one day I'll get a diabolica, but thanks for letting me dream! :lol:
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By Nepenthes0260
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specialkayme wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 6:48 pm
Nepenthes0260 wrote: Tbh, it has been a fairly simple plant for me. The largest issue with this one is rot. Last year I nearly lost this plant as rot nearly got all the way down the the meristem. So really good air movement, and a really airy mix, and for good measure I have a net pot. As you can see from the somewhat dry moss, I don’t keep this one wet. It’s a typical HL/UHL plant but hasn’t been too slow for me. Macro is much slower (and villosa too, or so I’ve heard).
Good information. Thanks!
I stare with wide eye'd amusement at diabolica and villosa, but stare from afar. I don't have a highland grow chamber, but have managed to keep two different hamatas (BE-3380 & BE-4044), and a hamata x edwardsiana alive. About a month ago I splurged on an edwardsiana and a villosa x veitchii, and neither of them have died yet.
Maybe one day I'll get a diabolica, but thanks for letting me dream! :lol:
Ooh, very impressive! I don’t really keep diabolica too cold either- maybe high 60s in the day and high 50s at night? Hence, why I think wistuba’s clones are better than BE’s finicky ones! But it may just be because the plants BE is selling are way smaller and less established than AW’s. Feel free to let me know if you ever want to swap that eddy :lol:
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By specialkayme
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Nepenthes0260 wrote: Ooh, very impressive! I don’t really keep diabolica too cold either- maybe high 60s in the day and high 50s at night? Hence, why I think wistuba’s clones are better than BE’s finicky ones! But it may just be because the plants BE is selling are way smaller and less established than AW’s. Feel free to let me know if you ever want to swap that eddy :lol:
In an ideal world, we'd both be able to take cuttings off of each plant and swap the cuttings. Although I think I'm at least a few years away from that. :lol:

We'll have to see how the eddy behaves though. It has a reputation for growing up to be that unruly child that refuses to eat it's vegetables, draws with markers on the walls and throws temper tantrums regularly. If so, I may be willing to trade the unruly child for your apparently well behaved angel of a Diabolica (as ironic as that would be :lol: )
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By Nepenthes0260
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specialkayme wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 7:14 pm
Nepenthes0260 wrote: Ooh, very impressive! I don’t really keep diabolica too cold either- maybe high 60s in the day and high 50s at night? Hence, why I think wistuba’s clones are better than BE’s finicky ones! But it may just be because the plants BE is selling are way smaller and less established than AW’s. Feel free to let me know if you ever want to swap that eddy :lol:
In an ideal world, we'd both be able to take cuttings off of each plant and swap the cuttings. Although I think I'm at least a few years away from that. :lol:

We'll have to see how the eddy behaves though. It has a reputation for growing up to be that unruly child that refuses to eat it's vegetables, draws with markers on the walls and throws temper tantrums regularly. If so, I may be willing to trade the unruly child for your apparently well behaved angel of a Diabolica (as ironic as that would be :lol: )
Yeah, I think I’m a few (10?) years away from being able to propagate diabolica as well :lol:. One of the things I don’t like about neps much- they are harder to prop!

Lol! Yes, I’ve heard the same thing about eddy. Seems as if it’s a finicky grower. Carnivero made a video on it’s culture which gave me a little confidence, haha.
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By specialkayme
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Nepenthes0260 wrote: One of the things I don’t like about neps much- they are harder to prop!
But what happens to make collecting them addictive.
Nepenthes0260 wrote:Lol! Yes, I’ve heard the same thing about eddy. Seems as if it’s a finicky grower. Carnivero made a video on it’s culture which gave me a little confidence, haha.
I watched that video about a dozen times convincing myself to pull the trigger on the eddy.
Root system is almost non-existent. It arrived potted, but when I unboxed it, the plant literally fell out of the medium the roots were that un-developed (granted, it's also a small plant). I asked the grower, who said it wasn't uncommon for eddy's root systems to be like that. Who knew (hint: apparently the grower :lol: )
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By Nepenthes0260
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specialkayme wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 8:56 pm
Nepenthes0260 wrote: One of the things I don’t like about neps much- they are harder to prop!
But what happens to make collecting them addictive.
Nepenthes0260 wrote:Lol! Yes, I’ve heard the same thing about eddy. Seems as if it’s a finicky grower. Carnivero made a video on it’s culture which gave me a little confidence, haha.
I watched that video about a dozen times convincing myself to pull the trigger on the eddy.
Root system is almost non-existent. It arrived potted, but when I unboxed it, the plant literally fell out of the medium the roots were that un-developed (granted, it's also a small plant). I asked the grower, who said it wasn't uncommon for eddy's root systems to be like that. Who knew (hint: apparently the grower :lol: )
Yeah, it definitely seems like some of the highland species have considerably smaller root systems than the lowlanders. I’ve heard lowii also has notoriously small roots. On the other hand, the roots of raff, mirabilis, and bical are wild- I have a bical in a three gallon pot that has tons of roots still coming out the bottom!

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