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By murrkywaters
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I've recently pulled the trigger on picking up some maxsea, and have been trying to do some quick calculations on what the reading should be in ppm. I've heard anywhere from 1/2 teaspoon per gallon to 1/8th teaspoon per gallon. The approximate volume in the good measuring system would be between 2.5 ml into 4 L to 0.625 ml into 4 L. Ranging between .0625% ~ .0156%. 625 ppm seems really high, but I've got zero experience with using it. 156 ppm still sounds high but it's closer to what I'd expect. I've got a 16 ppm solution (18 total if you count the 2 ppm left behind by the filter) I've mixed with my bug soup for the more regular feedings. Is this acceptable? I've done a foliar feed on the sansevieria as well with maxsea last I put the pepper on the leaves. They seem to be responding to a 50 ppm dose, which surprises me and makes me think I'm getting placebo by proxy. Carnivores are far more sensitive, so 50 ppm or > 1/24th of a teaspoon per gallon feels correct for heavier feedings. Any thoughts? I've got a super concentrated solution with a known conductivity I can measure with a 1ml syringe for fairly accurate measurements. Attached is the new growth tip after 3 days.Image

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By twitcher
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PPM just gives me a headache. I've been advocating using a TDS meter with MAXsea. Measure the water before adding the MAXsea. Add the maxsea, measure the TDS again and subtract the TDS of the water. This gives the TDS amount for just the added maxsea.

I tend to be cautious with my plants and started with a low maxsea tds. Have recently increase that based on readings given to me by some friends here. My maxsea tds is now 100. I am advised that it is still very low. I will be increasing it again after verifying for awhile, since I have a lot of plants that I am using it on and don't want to have a problem.

Hope this helps.
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By murrkywaters
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My gripe with tds readings of ppm is the variability of readings. Tds meters are approximations at best. Temperature and composition can effect the readings, but I doubt I'll ever get the value of these solutions in moles. This is why I wish we could get instructions in grams rather than the useless "a heaping teaspoon" that is recommended by maxsea. % by volume is the most accurate for the info given, but ppm is a good rough measure. Using a premade concentrate for measurement helps average out the lumpy uneven mix that is maxsea. Tds I really only use in reference to the concentrate and the dilution to confirm my ratios are correct. Idk if I'm explaining my methodology well. How regularly do you feed at that strength? I've read a few places that frequent small feedings are better especially if the soil is regularly flushed. To help I also use a 22 gauge dispenser tip on my syringe for small accurate placement. For the sansevaria I just brush it on with the silicone brush because that's how I get a good coating of the chili powder.

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By twitcher
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I only use with my cp's (including nepenthes). At the level I am using, I spray about every week or so. It's a light mist. My idea is to limit the time spent feeding, yet not hurt the plants. Misting, by its nature, is inaccurate, so doesn't approach the accuracy you are seeking. Using an eyedropper takes more time. I used to hand feed real insects. I am moving away from that with the maxsea.
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By murrkywaters
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I do a bit of both. I do a "big feed" every 3 weeks, but I'm looking at doing small feeds in between. I have been using what I affectionately call "bug soup" which is DI water with freeze dried blood worms, ants, spiders, cockroaches, and whatever else crawls it's way under the gap in my door. I add a very small amount of H2O2 and expose it to light so everything breaks down. I like to think of it as an artificial sarracenia pitcher. That goop has been treating me well on a once every three day schedule. I only use .05 ml on a leaf at a time, often less. Bugs for the big feedings. I have time and only 6 plants to feed, so I don't mind. With feeding and the new lights all of my plants have put out new growth. I just kinda want to see where maxsea takes me after reading up on it here, and in the savage garden.

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By 1cashew
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Disclaimer! I have never used Maxsea. That said, noting the inherent inaccuracies of using my $15.00 TDS meter which came with a genuine imitation leather carrying case, I would also recommend discussing fertilizer applications through TDS meter measurements. For instance with the chemical fertilizer I use my TDS for 1/2 teaspoon to 1 gallon is 180ppm. Though clearly if I used the math you used I should get 625ppm. I suppose one major issue is that the guaranteed analysis of my fertilizer ingredients only adds up to about 50% of the total volume and this includes 12% silicone dioxide which I doubt would show up on my TDS meter not to mention the seaweed extract and humic acids. I could not find the guaranteed analysis of maxsea. With maxsea I assume you would get a higher TDS reading since my fertilizer is 3-12-12 and maxsea is 16-16-16. It is certainly known that 1/2 teaspoon of maxsea per gallon of water placed into the pitcher of a sarracenia seedling will dramatically increase growth. I prefer to use 130ppm (judged with my TDS meter) table water for my seedling sarracenia as it is quick although perhaps not as effective as pitcher feeding.
By 1cashew
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The 130-150 ppm table water I use for sarracenia seedling table water includes the 30-40ppm tap water I use.
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By murrkywaters
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40 ppm tap water sounds like a dream. 457 out here last I checked. 8.3 pH and full of calcium salts. Do you filter at all, or are you just a lucky son-of-a-gun?

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By murrkywaters
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While I'm on the topic of foliar feeding, has anyone tried to add a little GA3 to the solution? I've read it helps with other plants, but the only info I've found for carnivorous plants is about germination.

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By Apollyon
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I've been reading up on that as well. I hear it can create insane growth in some plants. Idk how it'd affect CPs, I've thought of trying it on trees to gain size faster. I *think* they spoke of doing a 10ppm to start but a lot of it is unknown.
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By murrkywaters
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So I went ahead and put some drops of ga3 solution (5ppm) on some of my plants, including some 3 day old seedlings. Just dripped it on them. They seem fine still, 6 hours later. I'll keep y'all posted.

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By Apollyon
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Now that's what I'm interested in. I was thinking of doing a 10ppm on the plants I don't intend to put through dormancy. I'd love to hear how that works out. If it isn't responsive, try 10, and so forth. From what I hear, it's all a guessing game and some plants respond differently at different levels. I have some extra pings I'm gonna try out. Mind if I post the results here when I get around to it?
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By murrkywaters
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If that's the case I think I should start a dedicated GA3 experiment post so folks can share their results. No?

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By Apollyon
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murrkywaters wrote:If that's the case I think I should start a dedicated GA3 experiment post so folks can share their results. No?

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That's an idea. Seems like there are a few of us right now that are working with it to try different things. So many unknowns; it would be cool to have a reference for people who'd like to use it in the future. I know it was hard to find info on it. I've been documenting my Byblis experiment. I still have another week or so but I believe I'm seeing germination in the other pots. Some rorida did germinate though, so I was able to confirm I had real stuff, anyway.

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