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FlytrapCare Forum periodic photo contests

Moderator: Matt

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By Panman
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This month we change our focus a little bit to a unique plant that deserves special recognition. Cephalotus follicularis, the Albany Pitcher Plant, or Australian Pitcher Plant comes from a small section of southwest Australia. This little plant embroils itself in some drama over whether the declarations of a unique cultivar are legitimate or if they are mostly just environmentally induced. Regardless, whether you have a cultivar, a wannabe, or anything in between, share a picture of your ceph.

As usual, here are the rules:
1. You can share only pictures you took personally.
2. You can submit only 1 photo for this contest.
3. Pictures shared in previous contests are not eligible.
4. Minimally edited photos only. No effects, or filters. Cropping is okay.
5. The winner will be the entries with the highest number of thumbs up (likes) votes.
6. Only votes from members with at least 5 posts will count.
7. This contest is open internationally, although there will be an alternate prize for international winners.

Speaking of different, this month’s prize also falls into that category. While @Matt had offered a tissue culture of some Cephalotus that he is growing, we decided that may be a bit out of reach for most people Instead, The Flytrap Store is providing a Drosera ‘Hercules’ for our prize. These haven’t been offered for sale at the Flytrap Store yet, but Matt is growing them out in the greenhouse. One thing you can be certain of, if Matt says it is a Hercules, then a Hercules it is; not a mislabeled wannabe.
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So get some shots of the your cephs and share your best!
Last edited by Panman on Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By Garden_Nymph
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optique wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 1:06 am Like this post if you don't have a Cephalotus.
You should join us in Hollyhocks contests, that is where I got my adorable little monster.
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By Blackfeather666
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Some fresh pullings
Cephalotus follicularis typical
Cephalotus follicularis typical
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By sans
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Cephs always seem alot better than most pitcher plants
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By Stratofortress
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Started out a tiny cluster purchased from the FTS two or three years ago. Present day, even after having divided up the plant up and repotting in late 2022.
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By Panman
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Two different plants under the same conditions with two very different results. I believe the plant on top came from Carnies a couple of years ago. The bottom one I got on a trade last summer.
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By Bluefire
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A little late to the party with a rather old photo. It looks greener now since it's winter.
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By Panman
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One week into the contest. Here are the current standings:
Nocturne 6
Hollyhock 6
Garden_Nymph 5
Blackfeather666 5
Stratofortress 5
Panman 4
Bluefire 4

I'm pretty sure there are a couple more Albany Pitcher Plants hiding out there, so let's see your pictures. Even if you don't have a picture in the contest, be sure to go through and vote for your favorites!
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By Panman
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Two weeks into our contest and everyone is in the running. Here are the standings:
Hollyhock 7
Nocturne 6
Stratofortress 6
Blackfeather666 5
Garden_Nymph 5
Panman 5
Bluefire 4

I know there are still a couple of cephalotus growers out there, so share your pictures. Even if you aren't able to submit a photo for this month's contest, be sure to look at the submissions and vote for your favorites!
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By Adrien
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Someone mentioned I should join, I’m hella late but would like to share anyway! Here’s a Cephalotus “Agnes” clone I got about 10 months ago. It’s absolutely stunning rn!
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By Panman
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And the winner is @Hollyhock

Congratulations! PM me for instructions on claiming your prize.

Thank you to everyone for participating. Keep an eye out for this month's contest coming up some time today.

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

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