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By Jedikinigit
Posts:  122
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So I started acquiring plants recently, but have a tendency to jump in with both feet. I do not understand all of the naming conventions so please let me know what I have messed up. I also don't completely understand all of the tags I have received with plants (e.g. S. minor Bob Hanrahan, Lois Ochs). Also I have more on the way :-)

P. caerulea
P. emarginata x juamavensis
P. "Gina"
P. laxifolia
P. lauena x emarginata
P. lutea
P. planifolia
P. primuliflora

More and more typicals
Bohemian Garnet
Flaming lips
Rhoder Giant #1
Sawtooth x parana

S. alata
S. alata (pubescent, Harrison Co., MS)
S. alata (red lid)
S. alata var. alata (Hancock Co., MS)
S. alata ssp nigrapurpurea (MS)
S. alucard x oreophila
S. areolata
S. areolata x Drew McClain
S. x Bugbat
S. x Catesbaei AF
S. x "Dana's Delight"
S. Doreen's colossus x Hurricane Creek White F
S. Drew McClain x (HCW x Judith Hindle)
S. flava
S. flava (OP seed grown)
S. flava var. rugelli
S. flava rubricorpora Liberty Co., FL (Mike Wang)
S. x Formosa
S. x Gilpini
S. x "Juthatip Soper"
S. Leah Wilkerson x cherries jubilee
S. Leah Wilkerson x saururus
S. leucophylla (4-5 without more specific ID )
S. leucophylla "very white"
S. leucophylla "Chipola"
S. leucophylla “Pink” (Baldwin Co., AL) (Mike Wang)
S. leucophylla “AJ01”
S. leucophylla HCW #F x 'Ares'
S. leucophylla HCW (SNW clone)
S. leucophylla “Schnell’s Ghost”
S. leucophylla x oreophila
S. x "Meerkat Mob"
S. milata (minor x alata)
S. minor (Bob Hanrahan, Lois Ochs)
S. minor
S. minor okee
S. minor var okefenokeensis (Ware Co., GA) (Mike Wang Select Shapely Clone)
S. minor var okee giant AB (Mike Wang)
S. x Mooreii
S. x Naczii (flava rubricorpa Apalachicola FL x Mobile County, AL)
S. oreophila
S. psittacina var. "golfballensis"
S. psittacina var. psittacina "red form"
S. purpurea
S. purpurea var. venosa "Chipola"
S. purpurea var. venosa
S. x readii (green)
S. Rod's favorite x alba 6ID
S. rubra ssp. rubra (Shalotte, NC)
S. rubra (AL roadside)
S. rubra var. gulfensis
S. rubra var. gulfensis alba
S. rubra var. wherryi
S. x "Scarlett Belle"
S. x Swaniana "Old Dock" (Columbus County, NC)

Unknown 1
U. subulata

D. binata var. multifada
D. brevifolia
D. filiformis var. filiformis
D. filiformis var. tracyii
D. intermedia

Other Bog:
Habenaria repens

Bigger varieties of VFTs
Endangered Sarrs
P. ionantha
P. pumila
Last edited by Jedikinigit on Fri Jul 05, 2024 5:31 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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By ChefDean
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Maybe in the spring we can talk about trading some VFT divisions and/or Pings for divisions of your alata ssp nigropurpurea and minor.
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By Jedikinigit
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I purchased it off eBay from a grower in California. I do not know it's previous origin. I haven't had it long so can't speak to it's happiness. Out of curiosity, do you treat it any differently? I'll keep a close eye on it.
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By Panman
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I've tried keeping it drier, wetter, growing in a bog, growing in a pot, nothing seems to work for me.
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By andynorth
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Jedikinigit wrote: Wed Dec 13, 2023 6:32 pm I purchased it off eBay from a grower in California. I do not know it's previous origin. I haven't had it long so can't speak to it's happiness. Out of curiosity, do you treat it any differently? I'll keep a close eye on it.
I bet I know where you bought your most recent flytraps from!! Very nice guy. I have bought him out of most of his Sarrs and several Drosera and Flytraps.
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By Jedikinigit
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Added some VFT starters and some pings

- Bohemian garnet
- Destruction
- Flaming lips
- Periscope
- Rhoder giant #1
- Sawtooth x Parana

- Pinguicula gina
- Pinguicula lauena x emarginata
- Pinguicula laxifolia
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By Jedikinigit
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Panman wrote: Wed Dec 13, 2023 6:51 pm I've tried keeping it drier, wetter, growing in a bog, growing in a pot, nothing seems to work for me.
So as we get back into the growing season this seems to be doing okay and has quite a few flower stalks and is starting to throw pitchers. What I can't figure out is that some of my divisions are just tiny. I'll get some pictures once things grow some, but the pitchers are short as are the flower stalks. The plant I got had about 20 growth points so was a specimen size plant. The pitchers in the pictures (that's a mouthful) were about 8-12" tall, but many of mine seem like they will be shorter. We'll see how it goes and I am happy to send you one to see if you have better luck with it. I wouldn't mind it being a dwarf plant, but maybe it is just growing conditions. Would it bloom if it is unhappy?
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By Panman
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If you ever divide it, I would love it. I'd keep an eye on the growth. If it continues to diminish in size, then that's a problem. I don't remember if my rubra start off the spring with smaller pitchers or not.
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By Jedikinigit
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Some new additions. Thanks camsdad66 and eBay!

S. x 'Moreii'
S. x 'Alucard x Oreophila' (Does anyone know if this is also called Sangria?)
Last edited by Jedikinigit on Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Jedikinigit
Posts:  122
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More additions! Thanks Secretariat73!

S. leucophylla “Pink” (Baldwin Co., AL) (Mike Wang)
S. leucophylla “AJ01”
S. leucophylla “Schnell’s Ghost”
S. leucophylla x oreophila
S. minor var okefenokeensis (Ware Co., GA) (Mike Wang Select Shapely Clone)

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