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FlytrapCare Forum periodic photo contests

Moderator: Matt

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By Panman
Posts:  6708
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Happy New Year! With the new year comes retrospection, resolutions, and (hopefully) improvements. Along the idea of a new leaf, we want to see a photo of what you plan to do differently this year. It may be a specific plant that you are going to work on propagating, or a new indoor setup that you have planned. Any picture centered around carnivorous plants will work. You don't need to actually be in the new process, a picture and description of your plans is fine. Even the newest grower will have something that they plan to do, even if it means not killing the sole plant that they own! :lol:

Here are the usual rules:
  1. You can submit 1 photograph for this contest.
  2. It must be your own picture.
  3. Pictures shared in previous contests are not eligible.
  4. Minimally edited photos only. No effects, or filters. Cropping is okay.
  5. The winner will be the entry with the highest number of thumbs up (likes) votes.
  6. Only votes from members with at least 5 posts will count.
  7. Members who have won within the past three months are not eligible for prizes but you can still enter. This does include the Holiday Extravaganza.
  8. This contest is open internationally, although there will be an alternate prizes for international winners.
With the new year comes a new prize. @Matt and Leah from The Flytrap Store are providing their newest registered cultivar, the FTS Incredible Red Hulk.
From The Flytrap Store website:
FTS Incredible Red Hulk is a giant all-red Venus flytrap with a wide green stripe along the edge of its sawtoothed traps. As the traps age, this green line gets narrower as the red color creeps outward. FTS Incredible Red Hulk can get very large traps (over 1.5 inches) and extremely long petioles -- on the order of 8+ inches! It is also very vigorous for a red-leafed flytrap and can retain large traps even into dormancy. Truly an amazing plant!
So let's hear about your New Year's resolutions and show us your plans for 2024!
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By ChefDean
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Well, I'll start this one out.
I have a thought, but I need all y'all's permission to do it (see thread here in Chit Chat to voice your opinion/give permission).
I would like to take older seed for easy to grow sundews from the seed bank and sow them in these in the spring.
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I'd make a blend of various capensis and a blend of rosetted sundews to germinate in order to give them out to new growers as a special request from the seed bank. They would receive one portion of seedlings of each type, along with a pack of finlaysoniana seed (that I'm still collecting). There would be enough for up to 10 people depending on how many "pots" successfully germinate. The requester would only be responsible for shipping costs, likely a small flat rate box unless I have a small box available. Other members could encourage new growers to request these, or could gift one if they'd like.
These requests would not count as a seed bank request, but would instead hopefully be a way to further cement their addiction, I mean, increase their joy and appreciation for this hobby.
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By Bluefire
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Trying to do a vertical highland tank because Nepenthes vine and I want to let them.
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By Camden
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Try to figure out a more permanent LL tank (especially with the echino in the back getting huge already). Currently a lot of the stuff that needs high humidity is in a ~5 gallon fish tank that can hold up to 6 plants. I would like to possibly buy an ikea cabinet with and put an egg crate on the back to hang plants.

Here is the current setup.
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By Andrew072
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I'm going to expand my indoor rack to a mini greenhouse to collect, propagate, and share some awesome cps! Also, I'm considering starting some sort of tc area, but that's a bit far-fetched compared to my first goal :D
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By DragonsEye
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So my resolution is to finally take care of this hot mess I have going on here. I really need to separate or repot a number of my CP’s on the center plantstand since I would like to be able to sell some of my extras over the upcoming orchid shows. (Serves the dual purpose of a little extra cash to cover expenses incumbent to my plant hobby, as well as to free up space as things grow or I decide to try new stuff. )But that also means I need to grow them up more than what many of them are. Then there’s a tank on the left-hand side that I keep telling myself I’m going to put some lights over and use it as a strictly CP propagation tank for kind of my common stuff which is the stuff I normally sell most of at the shows. Then there’s the Xterra tank on the right I’m trying to figure out how I can free up some space in there to expand what’s in there. (Currently there is a Vining fern that has formed a mat on the bottom probably one to 2 inches thick, as well as climbing up the sides.) *Sigh* Now the hard part will be finding the time to get it done.
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By Jedikinigit
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I want to turn this into something more presentable that I don't get in trouble for. Thanks also to everyone on here for getting me hooked. :roll: This is what I've accumulated in a whole three months!
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By andynorth
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These are my 2 grow tents that will eventually be filled. The one on the right is primarily for germinating, although I do have an Oreophila and a Catsebei in there as I decided to grow them this first year to see how well they do. Actually are doing quite well considering they were cut down to start with. The tent on the left will be used for seedlings and transplants from seedlings. There you have it, Left Tent vs. Right Tent!!!
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By Panman
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I've placed myself on a plant buying freeze. Any funds I have for plants needs to go into infrastructure, meaning tables, pavers, gravel, and a bunch of repotting supplies. Last year everything was so packed together that a couple of purps rotted from lack of air flow. I'm bound and determined to get this growing area set up to where it is easy to maintain and each plant gets maximum sunlight and airflow.
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By Panman
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We are a bit over a week into our contest. It is really great to see what everyone is hoping to work on this year. Here are the standings:
Elaineo 4
ChefDean 3
Garden_Nymph 3
Andrew072 2
andynorth 2
Bluefire 1
Camden 1
DragonsEye 1
Intheswamp 1
Jedikinigit 1
Panman 1
Sanz 1

I know that some of the people on the list are not eligible for prizes. It is easier for me to maintain the list this way and I will check for eligibility when the contest closes.
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By DewsandTraps
Posts:  176
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After submerging these vft's I repotted them. But now the mites are back :( . So for this year I want to work on getting rid of the mites and to propagate most of these vft's.
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They arrived! thank you! :D

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