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By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
Catchy title, huh? Hey everyone!

I've had plenty of flowers this year and more are continuing to pop up. I wanted to share with you something I've discovered about mexican pinguicula flowers primarily (though it could also apply to warm and cold temperate species as well); it's a small thing but it fascinated me and may reassure those who have limited growing space for their pings and want them to flower.

Some pinguicula flower stalks are quite long however I have noticed in an enclosed environment (such as the shelving of a miniature greenhouse) they will only grow as tall as their surroundings allow them! Currently I have a beautiful P. Ibarrae flower stalk that is very long, it is on my windowsill in a pot on its own whereas my fourth P. x Tina stalk is much, much shorter; the plant is situated in a shelving unit I placed on my windowsill. Thinking about it I have never had "cramped" flower stalks (meaning the flower stalk is too tall for its surroundings and starts to bend downwards which can lead to the stalk becoming damaged and the flowers die prematurely).

I'm not sure if anyone will find this as interesting as I do but now you know! :lol: Oh, and pinguicula flowers will always turn to face the sun; I'm sure this is valid for many flowers though hahah.

By David F
Posts:  1649
Joined:  Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:41 pm
Well I can't be to sure about drosera, I know a lot of growers complain of stalks going up into the light fixtures and dying.

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