FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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By NickTrap
Posts:  73
Joined:  Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:44 am
how would i be able to start my own TC setup? what parts of the plant do you need to get those little guys to grow?

as i just found out starting from a seed takes DAYS!!! i want something a little faster.

By lemonlily
Posts:  3168
Joined:  Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:54 pm
Heh, I remember asking what a sticky was.

Anyways, that link has a lot of good information to help you get started. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
By NickTrap
Posts:  73
Joined:  Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:44 am
i would like to start TC with seeds as i dont have any parent plants. would it be the same thing as you just drop the seeds in the water formula that u make?

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