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Photos of subjects other than carnivorous plants, such as orchids, landscapes, etc.

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By Adam
Posts:  2892
Joined:  Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:39 am
I returned from Hawaii a couple of weeks ago. We had these guys running around the outside of our condo!
IMG_3579_small.jpg (761.24 KiB) Viewed 4409 times
I regret not having spot focus set properly. The f 4.5 didn't help either. Too shallow a depth of field. I'd love for his snout to be in focus.
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By Steve_D
Posts:  3913
Joined:  Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:06 pm
Great photo, Adam! The gecko is so colorful and incredibly patterned.

Here's one of my favorite lizard photos, taken at my brother's house in Austin, Texas, U.S., just to add to the thread.

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By Adam
Posts:  2892
Joined:  Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:39 am
Steve, you are so lucky. I'm a big fan of reptiles and amphibians.

I've noticed that in north america, the west has great bio diversity in lizards while the east is great for snakes!

My dream is to see an indigo snake in the wild - the largest snake on this continent. ... pcode=C026
By PeatMoss
Posts:  392
Joined:  Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:01 pm
Florida has nice diversity in lizards, they are all just very small and rather "boring" brownish species. The west has all the pretty colourful stuff.

I always try to get out and herp a couple times per summer, especially when I am in the states. Never find anything, which is why I reserve myself for zoo photography... Much easier and the camera is less likely to get ruined.

I did find the first occurrence of Eastern Milk Snakes in my area on record. Extended the range of an endangered species by about 50km!

Indigo snakes are wonderful! I have always wanted one as a pet as they are legal here in Canada, I have only seen them captive bred once and for over $1000! A bit too rich for my blood.

I have always wanted to go rattlesnake hunting in the mojave but my true dream is to catch taipans in Australia! But that won't be happening for a while...

@SteveD, I love that photo, I like how the stuff in the foreground blurs and demonstrates depth in the photo. Very nice!
By Adam
Posts:  2892
Joined:  Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:39 am
I'm quite the snake hunter now - compared to the average person. I've caught garter snakes (many varieties), western racer, great basin gopher snake and a european water snake (natrix natrix) seen lots of western pacific rattlesnakes and a european viper. I've caught a slew of different amphibians..

I still have quite the wish list though. In British Columbia, we have a boa. It's a small species called a rubber boa. One of these days I'll find one...
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Hello again from Florida


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