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FlytrapCare Forum periodic photo contests

Moderator: Matt

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By Panman
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It may only be February, but I am already looking forward to my dormant plants waking up from their long winter nap. I specially love watching the sarracenia start putting up new pitchers and showing off their unique flowers. This month we are going to showcase the North American Pitcher Plant, Sarracenia. There are some gorgeous hybrids and cultivars out there, but for this contest, we just want to see species plants. Crosses of the same species, a flava rugelli by flava rubricorpa for example, would be fine. When you submit your photo, be sure to let us know what species it is.

As usual, here are the rules:
1. You can share only pictures you took personally.
2. You can submit only 1 photo for this contest.
3. Pictures shared in previous contests are not eligible.
4. Minimally edited photos only. No effects, or filters. Cropping is okay.
5. The winner will be the entries with the highest number of thumbs up (likes) votes.
6. Only votes from members with at least 5 posts will count.
7. This contest is open internationally, although there will be an alternate prize for international winners.

Since we are celebrating sarracenia this month, @Matt and Leah from The Flytrap Store are providing a Sarracenia leucophylla AJ01 for our prize.

From the ]Flytrap Store website:
"An extremely vigorous white-topped pitcher plant, Sarracenia leucophylla AJ01 produces very large and wide pitchers with colorfully red-veined "wavy" lids. AJ01 is a must-have for any Sarracenia lover!

Sarracenia leucophylla AJ01 has been in circulation for many years -- a testament to its prowess! It is an exceptionally vigorous grower that gets great size and amazing coloration. Pitchers on a mature plant regularly reach near 3 feet in height! [Its] pitchers start off bright white with green veining early in the growing season. As the season progresses, the veining at the top of the pitchers and on the pitcher lips becomes more and more colorful ultimately becoming a gorgeous deep red color.
Now, since it is winter, I know that most of your sarrs are looking rather sarry (see what I did there). You may have to dig through the hundereds of pictures on your phone to find your perfect pitcher. I'm not the only one with hundreds of plant pictures, am I?

So, share your pictures and vote for your favorites. Let's go!
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By Andrew42x89
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I don’t seem to have a “like” button when using Tapatalk. Is there something in the settings I need to change? A quick Google search made it appear that it is forum setup and not user related, but I’m unsure.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last edited by Andrew42x89 on Wed Feb 01, 2023 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Nepenthes0260
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S. purpurea montana F1 (Transylvania Co., NC) MW
Photo contest entry
Photo contest entry
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Panman, Sundews69, VFTnPups and 8 others liked this
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By Panman
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Sarracenia purpurea venosa, Tattnall County, GA
IMG_20221002_143525_645.jpg (411.59 KiB) Viewed 3210 times
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By Panman
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hollyhock wrote: Wed Feb 01, 2023 8:35 pm Sarracenia leucophylla alba.
Oh! That's what the beauty you sent me will look like? Gorgeous!
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By Camden
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Some absolutely gorgeous Flava var. rubricorpa I have😍🥰
Growing beautifully lol
Growing beautifully lol
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By DragonsEye
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@Slicric: Gorgeous lynx spider you had guarding your pitchers, there!

Only sarr species I have ...

A few wee S. oreophila 'Sand Mountain ' I started from seed:
IMG_0292.JPG (2 MiB) Viewed 3082 times
Sundews69, Blackfeather666, Panman and 4 others liked this

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