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By murrkywaters
Posts:  638
Joined:  Wed Sep 02, 2020 2:39 pm
I found a L. hesperus in my house last night thanks to the gremlins ganging up on it. I figured I didn't have time to escort it out before one of them got bit. Long story short, it's dead and in a centrifuge tube. What should I feed it to? Right now the only plants big enough for the whole thing are my sarracenia, but I could probably give parts of it to one of the drosera, or the vft. Ideas?

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By murrkywaters
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I'd need to break it up they're pretty tiny. I'm also not starting dormancy until mid November, so idk if that's a consideration. As a side note I spilled some of the water on my fingers yesterday. Not recommend, very irritating.

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By murrkywaters
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You can see the largest trap here is no bigger than the tip of a thumb.Image

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By murrkywaters
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Feeding day! I'll be posting some pictures here in a bit

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By murrkywaters
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Well, the enzymes and bacteria in the stew pretty much dissolved the spider. I gave a leg to the widow and the rest of anything I could find to my S. x Yellow Jacket. Everything has been fed save for the Heliamphora, Nepenthes, and unsprouted seeds. I can say without a doubt the smell was awful. Round one with the soup did really well, so I'm hoping round 2 shows as much promise. I've still got a month and a half before most of my plants go dormant. I've got more pictures but tapatalk capped me.

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By murrkywaters
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The yellow jacket has been doing really well since that feeding. It's even started a new growth point! I can't attribute it all to the spider, but it certainly didn't hurt!Image

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